Sunday, November 1, 2020

Ceramics 2- Tang Dynasty

This amazing era of work is known for it's highly detailed work and limited palette of color.  Begin your research with the links below and then begin your sketch.  Animals are a central focus during this period and you will need at least two photo references of a horse or the animal you choose from different angles.

For this project you will only need to produce one piece and doing so will require you to create several pieces and assemble them to represent the animal.  

Your work must be freestanding so it will require consideration of how to structure your piece so that it stands.  Consider using the tail or even an environment to ensure that it helps support your work.,officials%20have%20become%20immensely%20popular.

Friday, October 30, 2020

Ceramics - Slabs

 Ceramics students will work on the third of the 3 basic construction techniques- slabs.  

Slabs are pieces of clay that are rolled out flat.  Please copy/paste the 2 links and watch the first video below.  The second link will give you some additional examples of how you can utilize slabs.;_ylt=AwrEePBOlHNeJqYAeQcPxQt.;_ylu=X3oDMTB0N2Noc21lBGNvbG8DYmYxBHBvcwMxBHZ0aWQDBHNlYwNwaXZz?p=using+slabs+ceramics&type=RVMC_80801240&hspart=Lkry&hsimp=yhs-SF01&param1=mT_XLPzrBGkHGuSNN-3BW_JnafRYo-5WhfaRZyU2oxwW2hPv2uAMR7Guq_uZjoiMdgaoyKLh1lO0WSjgJOcE-02vH-8ody3-LrSotuYi_GZInMu3liSYszSTElfzT_0zMgGED0h62o8-i8bRqEPbKLgfQzUEZHxnOQIterm0uJeog9qHjQOYkjDkdLkyH1pL7FrikQSfSDa-mUPOEJmc2Rv8xCvCnip8SV7WPT-oTB_xzBEjPOgpCk-MSRKNKW31vwNdG8S8_hljbA%2C%2C&ei=UTF-8&fr=yhs-Lkry-SF01&guce_referrer=aHR0cHM6Ly9zZWFyY2gueWFob28uY29tL3locy9zZWFyY2g_aHNwYXJ0PUxrcnkmaHNpbXA9eWhzLVNGMDEmdHlwZT1SVk1DXzgwODAxMjQwJm9idDlicGR5ZWQ9MCZwPXVzaW5nK3NsYWJzK2NlcmFtaWNzJnBhcmFtMT1tVF9YTFB6ckJHa0hHdVNOTi0zQldfSm5hZlJZby01V2hmYVJaeVUyb3h3VzJoUHYydUFNUjdHdXFfdVpqb2lNZGdhb3lLTGgxbE8wV1NqZ0pPY0UtMDJ2SC04b2R5My1MclNvdHVZaV9HWkluTXUzbGlTWXN6U1RFbGZ6VF8wek1nR0VEMGg2Mm84LWk4YlJxRVBiS0xnZlF6VUVaSHhuT1FJdGVybTB1SmVvZzlxSGpRT1lrakRrZExreUgxcEw3RnJpa1FTZlNEYS1tVVBPRUptYzJSdjh4Q3ZDbmlwOFNWN1dQVC1vVEJfeHpCRWpQT2dwQ2stTVNSS05LVzMxdndOZEc4UzhfaGxqYkElMmMlMmM&guce_referrer_sig=AQAAALubfZ7FRH8EUBTnJKaNtsOls4TjrnfGZMwKo5teYdfyy5bsoBdukMQsmn_WH6dZJl6TxyAu9z7KYBJoX7mDHnnK38_bLn6rADp7JEPLcX1IsFi4HXcipKDkUI7ql1RPRLTlJTN47qvYSsx0kiP12SKySmDSRAjiR1n1TfhCqpJ5&_guc_consent_skip=1584632944#id=55&vid=541c381922f08660a670fad385236d46&action=view;_ylt=AwrEePBOlHNeJqYAeQcPxQt.;_ylu=X3oDMTB0N2Noc21lBGNvbG8DYmYxBHBvcwMxBHZ0aWQDBHNlYwNwaXZz?p=using+slabs+ceramics&type=RVMC_80801240&hspart=Lkry&hsimp=yhs-SF01&param1=mT_XLPzrBGkHGuSNN-3BW_JnafRYo-5WhfaRZyU2oxwW2hPv2uAMR7Guq_uZjoiMdgaoyKLh1lO0WSjgJOcE-02vH-8ody3-LrSotuYi_GZInMu3liSYszSTElfzT_0zMgGED0h62o8-i8bRqEPbKLgfQzUEZHxnOQIterm0uJeog9qHjQOYkjDkdLkyH1pL7FrikQSfSDa-mUPOEJmc2Rv8xCvCnip8SV7WPT-oTB_xzBEjPOgpCk-MSRKNKW31vwNdG8S8_hljbA%2C%2C&ei=UTF-8&fr=yhs-Lkry-SF01&guce_referrer=aHR0cHM6Ly9zZWFyY2gueWFob28uY29tL3locy9zZWFyY2g_aHNwYXJ0PUxrcnkmaHNpbXA9eWhzLVNGMDEmdHlwZT1SVk1DXzgwODAxMjQwJm9idDlicGR5ZWQ9MCZwPXVzaW5nK3NsYWJzK2NlcmFtaWNzJnBhcmFtMT1tVF9YTFB6ckJHa0hHdVNOTi0zQldfSm5hZlJZby01V2hmYVJaeVUyb3h3VzJoUHYydUFNUjdHdXFfdVpqb2lNZGdhb3lLTGgxbE8wV1NqZ0pPY0UtMDJ2SC04b2R5My1MclNvdHVZaV9HWkluTXUzbGlTWXN6U1RFbGZ6VF8wek1nR0VEMGg2Mm84LWk4YlJxRVBiS0xnZlF6VUVaSHhuT1FJdGVybTB1SmVvZzlxSGpRT1lrakRrZExreUgxcEw3RnJpa1FTZlNEYS1tVVBPRUptYzJSdjh4Q3ZDbmlwOFNWN1dQVC1vVEJfeHpCRWpQT2dwQ2stTVNSS05LVzMxdndOZEc4UzhfaGxqYkElMmMlMmM&guce_referrer_sig=AQAAALubfZ7FRH8EUBTnJKaNtsOls4TjrnfGZMwKo5teYdfyy5bsoBdukMQsmn_WH6dZJl6TxyAu9z7KYBJoX7mDHnnK38_bLn6rADp7JEPLcX1IsFi4HXcipKDkUI7ql1RPRLTlJTN47qvYSsx0kiP12SKySmDSRAjiR1n1TfhCqpJ5&_guc_consent_skip=1584632944#

Our goals will be:
 to create 3 different pieces using photo references for each.
 Demonstrate at least 3 different textures in each. (smooth clay can count as 1)  Each piece should be a minimum of 6 x 6 inches.

A good example for one piece would be to create a beach scene.  You could create texture for the sand, water and a surfboard.  We can make impressions with objects, carve in texture with our tools or any other creative solutions you can come up with.

Create 3 finished sketches using the same process that we always use.  
 Please make sure you spend at least 2 hours working on these so that the ideas are clearly thought out and construction will be easier.

Please message or email with questions!  Be creative and have fun!

texture- the degree of roughness or smoothness of an object

Friday, June 12, 2020

Ceramics/Ceramics2/Advanced Art- Last one

For our final week please make sure to hand in any work that you have not done so yet by Thursday June 18 by 2 PM.  
There is no art assignment but a simple one page paper (12 point type, no images) describing your experience with remote learning and how it could be improved if we were to have to do it again next year.  Do not focus on the negatives as we all know it was not our ideal situation, but stay constructive and let me know what is attainable and what would make it work better for you.
Please email it to me by Thursday at 2 and I appreciate your thoughts and constructive criticism!

Tuesday, June 9, 2020

Foundations and Foundations 2 (week of June 8-12)

If you have not handed in the watercolor project please get that to me this week.  In closing for the school year I am asking for a one page reflection (12 point type, no images) on the remote learning experience.  We can all agree that this is not the ideal situation so we don't need to focus on that, but specifically what I am asking you for is:
Based on your experience with remote learning what do you think can be done to make it more effective for you?  We will likely be dealing with more remote learning next school year, so there will be more accountability for getting work done. Understanding that, what would be helpful for you to make that happen?  Try to approach this constructively and help me and other teachers understand how we can help to make this a better experience as we move forward.
Please get this document to me by Monday 6/15.

Monday, June 8, 2020

ALL Middle School Exploratory Classes (week of June 8-12) LAST DRAWING

For our last drawing I would like you to create a drawing from observation or photo reference that demonstrates what you feel like you have learned or added your visual arsenal as we approach the end of this class.  I do not have specific expectations because I imagine many of you took away different things from the class, so do what feels right to you and have fun!  

Ceramics (week of June 8-12) Wheel Throwing

I am really sorry that we can not have the opportunity to do wheel throwing this year but I wanted to make sure that you had some basic introduction to the principles.  Please watch all three short videos.  The first one features our own Mr. Black who is a master ceramist.  The second two show you two beginner approaches for wheel throwing and are easy to understand.  Hopefully if some of you take Ceramics 2 next year I can give you some demonstrations and time to practice.

Tuesday, June 2, 2020

Ceramics- Gargoyles/Knights (week of June 1-5)

Please take this week to complete your drawings and react to the feedback I have sent.  If you have not turned in last week's assignment please of so asap.

Foundations and Foundations 2 Watercolor from observation (week of June 1-5)

Take the four techniques that we practiced last week and apply it to a finished piece this week.  Set up an object or objects that you can leave in place for at least two hours so you can draw and hopefully paint. Think about choosing a variety of textures and water so that you can incorporate all 4 techniques.  (I recommend trying a glass halfway filled with water and put an object into the glass.) 

Begin by drawing the object(s) from observation with basic shapes, center line, construction lines as always and then develop it into a finished drawing.  

When the drawing is complete, begin painting and apply all four techniques to your piece.  Think about the hard edges and soft edges of all elements and what the best techniques would be in order to represent them accurately.

If you do NOT have watercolors at home draw with pencil and again, focus on the hard edges that you could use the tip of your pencil to represent and the side of the pencil, blending and erasing to create soft edges.

Email me your image in whatever state it is in by Monday June 8 for feedback.

Have fun!

ALL Middle School Exploratory (week of June 1-5)

Practice drawing a hand by using your own as a reference.  If you are right handed, place your hand in a position that you can hold still for a half hour.  As always, begin by focusing on structure with basic shapes and once you have those shapes accurate, move on to developing and "sculpting" those shapes into a finished piece.  Make sure shading is last, so if you do not finish the drawing, do not add shading.  Do your best, hands are challenging and take practice.

Tuesday, May 26, 2020

Design FINAL assignment for seniors (week of May 26-29)

For seniors this will be the final assignment and it is in place of a final project. This will take some thought but you will not have to put many hours in.  
First, I wanted to tell you that I am sorry your senior year unfolded this way but I am happy that you are moving upward and onward to bigger and better things!!  

For the rest of us at Frontier we are likely to continue with remote learning, at least in some way and for some of the 2020-21 school year.  I am asking for a minimum of one full typed (12 point type) page double spaced reflection.  

Discuss the following of your experience:

What were the most effective aspects of remote learning for you?  Why?
What would you suggest to improve the process if you had to continue forward with remote learning?

You can approach this by focusing on your overall experience and/or specific classes as I am certain that they varied for you in different ways.

Please share this with me by the end of next week.

ALL Middle School Exploratory (week of May 26-29)

This week practice your observational drawing skills by drawing an outdoor scene.  This could be outside of your home or anyplace outside that you feel safe drawing for a half hour.  Remember to always use our drawing technique beginning with basic shapes, constructions lines, center line etc...
Have fun and email me the image by Monday June 1

Foundations and Foundations 2 watercolor exercise (week of May 26-29)

Now that you are familiar with the four basic watercolor techniques from last week, we are going to practice them.

If you have watercolors at home:
Divide a sheet of paper into four different sections and attempt to demonstrate each of the four techniques (one per square)  using a single color:
wet on dry
dry on dry 
dry on wet
wet on wet

Each one should be distinctively different but on your first attempt it is possible that may not happen.
Repeat the process a second time and compare the first attempt to the second.

Please email me a picture of both by Monday June 1

If you do NOT have watercolor at home:

Explore soft and hard edges with a pencil and paper
sharp edges are defined edges that are often made with a straight edge.
soft edges are often soft and faded and can blend into a surface

Divide a sheet of paper into four sections and attempt to demonstrate the four techniques by using pencil to emulate them:
wet on dry
dry on dry 
dry on wet
wet on wet

Each one should be distinctively different but on your first attempt it is possible that may not happen.
Repeat the process a second time and compare the first attempt to the second.

Review last week's links if you need to refresh your memory on the differences between the techniques.

Please email me a picture of both by Monday June 1

Ceramics- Gargoyles/Knights (week of May 26-29)

After sending me your four photo references for texture we can move on to creating the sketch for your knight or gargoyle.  Use the same drawing process as always utilizing basic shapes and construction lines.  For this week, draw ONLY basic shapes, and center line and construction lines for your design. If you chose to draw a knight and are using chainmail as a texture, look at how you can organize that design with rows and oval shapes.  NO shading or values yet, we will do that next week.  Take your time and focus on structure, think about the pose and maybe even include a little environment.  Envision the piece as one that will stand upright , not flat.  Consider ways to help the figure stand if you were to actually build it.  As an example, maybe the gargoyle has long wings that touch the ground and act as a brace to help it stand. Again, keep in mind that you should put in about two hours on his week's first part of the sketch.  Make all of your shapes as accurate as you can and have fun with it!
Please email me an image of your sketch by Monday June 1

Tuesday, May 19, 2020

Ceramics- Gargoyles/Knights (week of May 18-22)

For this next project we are going to focus on texture which is the degree of roughness or smoothness of an object.  You are going to research your choice of either knights or gargoyles and create a sketch that demonstrates at least 4 different textures.  Find photographs of at least 4 different surfaces that have different textures that you can incorporate into your piece.  For example if you choose knights, find photo reference of chain mail (not a drawing or painting).  You can find strong references for knights online and specifically at museum websites.  Gargoyles are trickier since they do not really exist so you can have more flexibility with them but you still need photo reference for the four textures.  So for example, maybe you find photo reference of bat wings to create texture for the gargoyle wings.  The gargoyle could be sitting on rough jagged rocks, so find photo references of that.  Email me the 4 photo references that you intend to use for your sketch by Tuesday the 26th.  Make sure each texture is different and have fun!

Design- complete FLW (week of May 18-22)

Take this week to complete your architecture piece and make sure to go back and refer to images of FLW interior spaces to get ideas.  None of the spaces should be plain/ordinary and they should all reflect his trademark design elements.

frank lloyd wright interior spaces

Foundations watercolor mixing and blending (week of May 18-22)

This week we are going to look at watercolors and different approaches about how to control them and not necessarily painting any specific subject.  Some of you have watercolor at home and some do not.  If you have them, I strongly recommend trying them out and if not, carefully watch the videos and see what you can learn from these.  If this appeals to you maybe you can buy some watercolors and paper experiment and play around with them.
The second video is my friend, Yong Chen, who is a master watercolor artist and has an amazing Youtube channel if you are interested.  He does beautiful portraits and makes them look effortless but he has put in endless hours of practice.

The four basic watercolor techniques are:
wet on dry  this is what most of you have experienced in school where you apply paint with a wet brush to a dry surface

dry on dry is also referred to as scumbling in which you can create a rough texture or create very delicate layers in a staccato manner.

dry on wet is when you put clean water on the painting surface and dry your brush with just enough water to pick up some paint.  When you apply the brush to the page you will get some bleeding but can still see the stroke that you make.

wet on wet gives you the least amount of control but also some amazing effects.  Begin by putting clean water on the painting surface and then wet your brush, grab some paint and apply it to the areas that you wet on your surface.  The paint will bleed within the wet area and depending on how much paint and water you used, will bleed with different intensities.

Monday, May 18, 2020

ALL Middle School Exploratory (week of May 18-22)

I know after talking with you this semester that some of you like going to the movies, sporting events and concerts.  What are those live events going to look like in the fall and winter with social distancing restrictions in place?  Draw what you think one of those events will look like in an arena.  Keep in mind human nature.  If you assign seats 6 feet apart at a basketball game are people in the nosebleed seats going to respect the rules and stay there or sneak down to closer open seats.  How will venues organize to allow for groups to safely gather?  Use your imagination and have fun!

Friday, May 15, 2020


Share a drawing in the comments for National Drawing Day 2020!  Here is Mandalorian piece I drew!

Tuesday, May 12, 2020

ALL Middle School Exploratory (week of May 11-15)

This week let's use our imaginations and project towards the next school year.  Create a drawing depicting what you think the next school year will look like at Frontier.  Think about all of the changes in our lives since the pandemic started.  What do you think might change about going back to school?  New rules? New ideas?  New ways of presenting and receiving information?  Be creative and let's see what you think about the fall of 2020.

MC Escher Tessellations

This week we are going to continue exploring MC Escher's work by creating a tessellation.  You need a piece of white paper, a pencil, tape, a straight edge and scissors.  Please follow these four steps which I think is a simplified version of what we looked at last week.  Once you have completed this four step process and have your shape create a series of five that are inter-connected.  

After you have the five tracings of this shape create a transition of shapes/designs/drawings on the first one with organic lines and on the last one with geometric lines (make sure to use your straight edge).  Do your best to create a gradual transition using the remaining three shapes in between.  
Please go back and refresh your memory for ideas by looking at Escher's work before you begin.  

Have fun and please email with questions.  Email me images of where you are at my Monday the 18th.

DESIGN (week of May 11-15) Architectural design- re-design the art rooms part 2

Please continue developing your work based on the feedback you received from last week's work.  Really think about how the art rooms could be the best possible design to work in both in terms of comfort/creativity and incorporating as much of FLW's ideology as possible.  Do not do random or traditional design, refer to FLW's work to find elements that you could incorporate that you see repeating in his structures.  Lots of opportunities to be creative.  Keep in mind that he custom designed most of the furniture in his projects and if you don't like the stools and tables that are currently in the rooms, here is the opportunity to enhance them!  Have fun!  Email me your work by Monday the 18th and lets see if we need another week beyond this or if we get to a point where we are satisfied this week.  Please email with questions.

Foundations and Foundations 2 (week of May 11-15) Draw a house in two point perspective part 2

We will continue developing this project this week.  You should have emailed me your work and received feedback about how best to move forward in developing this piece.  Please take the constructive criticism you received and develop this into a finished piece.  Email me the finished work by Monday the 18th.  Please email with any questions so I can help.

Ceramics 2 Augustin Preault Part 2 (week of May 11-15)

After emailing me your work from last week you should have received feedback.  Please continue developing your finished work this week based on that feedback and email your finished work to me by Monday the 18th.

Ceramics Portrait Part 2 (week of May 11-15)

After emailing me the image for last week's work you should have received feedback on how to continue developing the work.  Please take that advice and continue developing the finished work.  If you did not fit the entire head in the piece try to find a way to resolve that.  If you have not added values, make sure to do that this week.  If you proportions are inaccurate, work to make them more accurate.  Please email me the finished image by Monday the 18th.  Have fun!

Tuesday, May 5, 2020

Advanced Art MC Escher morphing (week of 5/4-5/8)

Last week we began to investigate MC Escher's, I hope the links were useful.  Before I give you the assignment where we will create a string of tessellations next week, let's focus on transition.  Think about taking two elements that you can find common shapes in.  As an example, please look at a piece called Day and Night.

In this piece, not only does the bird form transform, but there is a transition from the bird shape to the patches of grass in the field below.

Choose two elements (not the same as this piece) and create a 5 step transition to morph one object into the other.  Please email me your work by Monday the 11th and email if you have any questions.  Have fun with this!

Ceramics 2 Augustin Preault (week of May 4-8)

Antoine-Augustin Préault was a significant 19th century sculptor from the Romantic movement.  His subjects included figures and fabric as well as decorative borders.

Please read and view the following links and get familiar with Preault's work.  

Your assignment is to find or create references for each element and create a sketch that to the best of your ability depicts a relief.
-a human figure (could just be a head and shoulders if you choose not to do a full figure.)

-fabric around the figure which could be in the form of a hood or anything you chosse to base on one of his specific works. (this needs to have form so it should not be flat)

-a decorative border containing the figure.  You can base it on any of Preault's work but do not copy it exactly, be creative.  

Take this week to find references for your elements and sketch out basic ideas.  Please email them to me by Monday 5/11 so I can advise you on how to proceed.  We will take next week to work on the finished sketch so put the time in this week to plan how your want your piece to look.

Relief- A relief sculpture is any work which projects from but which belongs to the wall, or other type of background surface, on which it is carved. Reliefs are traditionally classified according to how high the figures project from the background. Also known as relievo, relief sculpture is a combination of the two-dimensional pictorial arts and the three-dimensional sculptural arts. Thus a relief, like a picture, is dependent on a background surface and its composition must be extended in a plane in order to be visible. Yet at the same time a relief also has a degree of real three-dimensionality, just like a proper sculpture.
Reliefs tend to be more common than freestanding sculpture for a number of reasons. First, a relief sculpture can portray a far wider range of subjects than a statue because of its economy of resources. For instance, a battle scene, that, if sculpted in the round, would require a huge amount of space and material, can be rendered much more easily in relief. Second, because a relief is attached to its background surface, problems of weight and physical balance do not arise - unlike in statues and other freestanding sculptures where weight and balance can be critical. Third, because reliefs are carved directly onto walls, portals, ceilings, floors and other flat surfaces, they are ideally suited to architectural projects - typically the greatest source of sculptural commissions - for which they can provide both decorative and narrative functions.

Monday, May 4, 2020

Ceramics- Portrait (week of 5/4-5/8)

For this project we will choose a public figure to create a portrait of. This could be of an athlete, musician, politician, actor or anyone who is famous on some level and easy to find good references of. Portraits are challenging because in order for them to look accurate you must focus on all of the unique features and avoid making the face look generic.  We will not be building this project with clay but simply focus on the part we can do from home which is the investigation of our subject.
Begin by finding AT LEAST 2 photo references of your subject from two different points of view and both show their entire head and are well lit. (front view and profile are ideal)  Begin the process the same way as always by doing a sketch of your subject on blank paper.  Develop this drawing to as finished a state as possible as it will help familirize you with their features.  
Of course, there are many other ways to approach portraits so I have included links to a tutorial from a friend of mine, Long Chen who is an amazing watercolor artist and creates stunning portraits.  See if there are any bits of advise you could incorporate into your process.As always, you should be working for about two hours a week and we can take two weeks to complete these for a total of 4 hours of drawing.  Use the same method as always and email a progress shot of this week's work to me by Monday May 11th so I can give you feedback to move towards completing the work next week.

Foundations and Foundations 2 (week of May the 4th be with you -May 8) Draw a house in two point perspective

This week we are going to use what we have learned about perspective and apply it to drawing a house in 2 point perspective.  Please carefully watch the two videos below and see examples of ways you could approach this.  Keep in mind we are going to take two weeks to work on this and you should be putting in two hours per week as in previous projects with remote learning.

Begin by finding a photo reference of a house.  You DO NOT need to replicate it, this is just to refer to so that you do not have to invent all of the details.  Your house must have at least 4 windows and everything needs to be drawing in perspective.  Remember, you can draw vertical lines freely but ALL other lines must come from the two vanishing points.

Start your drawing and email me progress shots of the first two hours by Monday 5/11 so I can look at them and respond to your work.

DESIGN (week of May 4-8) Architectural design- re-design the art rooms

I hope that the videos you watched last week were helpful in beginning to understand Frank Lloyd Wright's style.  If you did not watch them, make sure you do not skip it, go back and leave a comment.
Let's think about the time we are currently living in with social distancing and incorporate that into this assignment.  
You are asked to develop a plan to redesign the two art rooms at Frontier.  You have no budget restrictions and you have to incorporate as many elements of FLW's design philosophy as possible.  In addition to these considerations, think about how you could design these spaces with social distancing in mind.  We all have to share and touch supplies but are there ways that we could control some of that traffic and maximize safety?
Think about the general space we have with the two art rooms and the space they currently reside in.  You could take a crane and demolish what is there are start fresh or you could simply adjust what already exists.   
Create a general sketch of your ideas for both the interior and exterior of the space.  When you draw the interior think about where you would enter the rooms from the hall, lighting, color (if you can) and the logistics of safety and the reality of the teacher needing to be able to be nearby for assistance and safety.
Please email me a picture of your sketches by Monday May 11 so I can look at them and respond to you so that we can move to the next step of the assignment for next Tuesday.

ALL MIDDLE SCHOOL EXPLORATORIES (week of May the 4th be with you-May 8)

Below are the elements are art which are basic terms that we have used and need to know.  This week our challenge is to create a simple drawing that demonstrates your knowledge of these 7 elements.  If you have questions please be brave and leave them in the comments below (sign in first) so that everyone can benefit as if you have a question, someone else probably does too.  Have fun and be creative!

Value- the degree of lightness or darkness of an object

Line- the path of a moving point through space

Shape- 2d area that is either organic or geometric.  Has height and width but no depth

Form- objects that have three dimensions

Color- derived from reflected light.  Has three properties:  Hue- names of the colors, Value- lightness or darkness  Intensity- purity of the hue or chrome

Texture- degree of roughness or smoothness of an object, can be tactile or visual

Space- referring to the emptiness or area between, around or within objects

Tuesday, April 28, 2020

Foundations 2- Continue 3 point perspective (week of 4/27-5/1)

Please review the last post and re-watch the links if you need to refresh your memory on 3 point perspective.  You should have chose a clean photo reference that you can see the entirety of 3 skyscrapers.  Consider whether you want a birds eye or worms eye view.  Remember to begin the same way you would with a two point perspective by creating a horizon line with a vanishing point on both ends and then choose the location for your third point.  Please ask questions if you have them and have fun with this!  We will continue working on this through next week but please email me a picture of your progress this week.

All Middle School Exploratory classes (week of 4/27-5/1)

I hope you all had a nice week away from your chrome books!  Here is a choice of two creative prompts, choose one to draw and have fun!   Again, always use the drawing process you have been taught, no outline drawings.

Create a watch for a ghost

Develop a nail polish line for cows

Monday, April 27, 2020

Foundations- Two Point Perspective (week of 4/27-5/1)

I hope everyone had a nice April break!  We are going to continue building skills with perspective by moving from one point to two point perspective.  This week we will do the same thing as last week by drawing two objects above and two below the horizon line for a total of four objects, this time in two point perspective.  Begin by drawing horizontal line in the center of the page which is your horizon line and then establish a vanishing point on the far left and far right of that line.  Begin your first of four objects by drawing a vertical line that represents the corner where the left side of the object meets the right.  Once you draw this line, connect the top and bottom of the vertical line to the two vanishing points you establish on the horizon line.  You can establish the back edges of the object  by drawing a vertical line anywhere between the two lines on each side of your initial vertical you started with.  The top or bottom can be established by using the vanishing point on the opposite side of the page.  

Watch the video below for a demonstration:

Take your time and don't be afraid to make mistakes and re-watch the video if necessary.  This process simply requires repetition to get comfortable with.  

Some students got ambitious last week and did both one point and two point perspective drawings.  If you already did that work, you can skip this week.  If you would like to do more practice, challenge yourself to focus on craftsmanship and make sure each line directly originates from the vanishing points.

Have fun!

Advanced Art- M.C. Escher (week of 4/27-5/1)

Please watch these three links in order to get an introduction to M.C. Escher who combined math and visual art in a powerful manner.  The first video will give you a short intro to some facts, the second will give you some great examples of what tessellations can look like.  The third video will give you a sense of what we will be doing with this project.  I will post a handout for the assignment that I feel makes the process easier.

Please comment to let me know you watched them and if you have any comments or questions by Friday 5/1.

Saturday, April 25, 2020

Tuesday, April 21, 2020

Design- Architectural Design week of 4/27-5/1

Our next project will be architectural design.  To begin, here is a link to some amazing (and brief) video tours of various Frank Lloyd Wright buildings.  Please take the time to watch them all carefully and take notes to find at least 3 things you see that turn up in several (or all) of the videos that can define FLW's "style".

Make sure to sign in first and leave a comment below, due by Friday 5/1 that includes:

Three different qualities that define FLW's vision or style that reoccur in the videos.  Be as specific as possible.

Your name 

Monday, April 13, 2020


This week you will have a choice of three creative challenge prompts to draw (using the drawing method we always use)

When creating this consider the constraints you would have and what materials you would use:

Create a coat for a chilly cactus

Develop a chair for an octopus

Help a short necked giraffe reach the tree leaves

Please email me your creative solution by Friday the 17th before we take a week to recognize April break

Foundations 1 &2, Design, Advanced Art- Create An Ad update. GRADED ASSIGNMENT FOR Q4

The Daily Hampshire Gazette has not decided what is going to happen with Create An Ad so considering a number of factors I have decided to discontinue our work on this year's contest.

This WILL be a graded assignment for quarter 4.  Please read carefully as you work is due by Friday 4/17 before we take the week off from remote learning to acknowledge April break.

You should have already turned in your work buy now.  The expectation is that you have put 6 hours into designing 3 different concepts, included all of the elements outlined in the March 31st post, and developed your work based on the feedback you received from me via email.
Please email me the latest work you have by Friday and grades will be posted on Powerschool next week.  
You should also turn in part one of the Perspective project by Friday 4/17

You are expected to have put in 9 hours of work on this project designing 3 different concepts, borders and  included all of the elements outlined in the March 31st post, and developed your work based on the feedback you received from me via email.
Please email me the latest work you have by Friday and grades will be posted on Powerschool next week.  
Design should have turned in Industrial Design work as well.  Both of these projects will be graded.

Advanced Art please make sure you have turned in the finished Alphabird Project by Friday 4/17

Friday, April 10, 2020

Foundations- One Point Perspective assignment due Friday 4/17

After watching the videos in the last Perspective post we are ready for the first part of this assignment, one point perspective. The purpose of using perspective is to create the illusion of an object receding into space. Your assignment is to create two objects above the horizon line and two below. (The object must have four sides, so no triangles)  I recommend placing your horizon line in the center of the page so it leaves you with plenty of room.
Watch the video that I emailed to you and please comment with any questions below. Use a pencil and any straight edge you have available.
This assignment is due by Friday April 17th and will be graded.
Please take a picture and email it to me by that date. 

Thursday, April 9, 2020

Ceramics Slabs sketches are due by Wednesday 4/15, Untraditional Tiles are due by Friday 4/17

You should have turned in sketches for slabs by now and gotten feedback from me. Make sure you developed those sketches based on the feedback and get images of those sketches to me by Wednesday April 15.

Untraditional Tiles sketches are due this week so if you have not emailed me images to look at, make sure I have them by Friday 4/10 and then you turn in finished sketches by next Friday where you develop your sketches based on the feedback I give you.

Please remember that you are expected to put in about two hours of work per week so if you send a 15 minute sketch I will ask you to put in the time before showing me your work.

Both of these assignments will be graded so make sure you do your best work and email me with questions please.

Have fun and be creative!!

Monday, April 6, 2020


If you are bored at home and want to spend $1.99, this app, Handy is amazing for references.  You can choose point of view and lighting.  The only way to learn anatomy is practice and this is a fun tool to help!

Design-Industrial Design project

This will be your first graded project for quarter 4

What does an industrial designer do?
 Almost every factory-made object has been designed or planned by an industrial designer.These designers make detailed drawings of 3-D objects to show sizes, shapes and textures of the product. They specify the materials and processes of manufacturing. Often, industrial designers will also make models of the product for testing. Industrial designers try to anticipate all the ways a person might use --or misuse--the object. Industrial designers are artists. It is their job to make products look good because as Raymond Loewy, an influential industrial designer, said, "Ugliness doesn't sell." Henry Dreyfuss, one of the great industrial designers of the twentieth century, sums up the role of the industrial designer, "If people are made safer, more comfortable, more efficient-or just plain happier, the designer has succeeded."

Choose an everyday piece of furniture that you want to improve.  You can begin by searching: Industrial design furniture to get some ideas flowing.  Maybe you have a piece of furniture in your home that you don't find comfortable or aesthetically pleasing.

Divide a sheet of paper in half and make two lists. On one side list all the things the object does well--the things you like about it. On the other side, list the things the object does poorly--the things you dislike about it.

Note the changes you want to make on your thumbnail sketches. They should include changes in size, shape, materials, and color.

Your finished image will show two distinctly different points of view in the same scale of your re-designed item.

Send a picture of your sketches by the end of the week.  Email if you have questions

All Middle School Exploratory for the week of 4/6-4/10

hi everyone!  I hope everyone is doing well at home!  Every week will be doing a half hour's worth of work to keep up our skills.  Please remember every drawing should always be done with the same process we have used since day one with basic shapes, center line, construction lines etc...

As we discussed on day one, make sure if you do not see your class on the first page, you scroll to the bottom and click "older posts".

Take your drawing from last week with the there overlapping objects and create at least 6 DIFFERENT values using hatching and crosshatching.  Again, no scribbling or blending.  Focus on your craftsmanship.

Email or comment on this post with questions.  Please email a picture of your work when complete.

Foundations 1 and 2- Perspective

Please carefully watch these videos on one point and two point perspective.   

LEAVE A COMMENT on this post after watching the videos carefully. (give yourself a half hour)  Let me know if a) this makes sense or b) what questions you have so far

We will be working towards creating drawings of objects both above and below the horizon line in BOTH one and two point perspective as well as a series of evenly spaced objects receding back into space.  This will be the first graded project of quarter four.

Foundations 2- 3 point perspective
These are two different approaches.  We will be using rulers to craft our pieces in class.  You will all need a high resolution photo reference on your chrome books featuring at least 3 skyscrapers next to each other.  Consider your perspective from either a worm's eye or bird's eye perspective.

Tuesday, March 31, 2020

Some finished art!

Here is the completed image for my podcast!  Would you wear a t-shirt with this design?  Constructive criticism?  I'm open to it.

High school classes, watch the blog for announcements for Google Meet times. 

If you have not been sending pictures of your work please get caught up as they are going to start piling up.  Administration will be notifying you of the new remote learning policies and expectations so please read it carefully!

Foundations/Design/Advanced Art- Create An Ad work continuing (week of 3/30-4/3)

I have seen very few students' work up to this point.  Again, the expectations are that you are checking in to the blog every week and putting in 2 hours of work for this class EVERY week.  Email  images of your progress each week.  administration will be sending an email next week on the updated expectations and accountability.  

This week, keep developing your work and you should have at least 3 different sketches up to this point and since this is your third week or working for 2 hours per week I expect to see more in-depth sketches. (re-read past Foundations posts to make sure you understand the assignment) I will give you feedback when I receive your sketches, please develop your ideas keeping the feedback in mind.

Some specific areas to focus on this week:
Choose at least two different fonts that you could use to include in your ad.  We can NOT cut and paste them on to the finish if you print them out, but we could trace them on to the page so consider that.  Sloppy handwritten text will not be acceptable.  

Think about including the following elements in your ad:

A headline which can be a short sentence or even a few words that grab the reader's attention and make them want to read the ad.

Illustration should not be of any property that you do not own (Batman, Hello Kitty etc...) but can be inspired by or based on.

Body copy- information about the business.  <aybe something like "Come to Acme Hardware for..."

White space- it is important for the ad not to look cluttered so consider leaving open areas to help guide the viewer's eye and make it easy to read.

Signature- name, address, email, website telling the reader where to find the business.  We will get more in-depth with the specific information as soon as I hear back from the Gazette with deadline information.  Please make sure you leave space for this information in the meantime.  It often can be on the bottom of the page, most likely smaller than your headline.

Final tip: If you like the business logo, keep in mind you can trace it and do not have to hand draw it. No tracing or copying other people's artwork though.

Monday, March 30, 2020

DESIGN and ADVANCED ART (week of 3/30-4/3)

I have seen some great work as we move forward on these Create An Ad designs.  We are going to add an element of design to your work, a border.  The border does not have to be complete around all four edges, it can be just in the corners or even partial edges.  Think about ways that the border can enhance your message.  Do not make the borders generic.  
For example, if you have a bank, maybe the border could be made of dollar bills.  If your ad if for a store that has a strong logo, maybe that could be in the four corners.  

Your assignment for this week is to come up with a minimum of three different ideas of how the border can become an active part of your design.  Continue developing your ideas for the ad itself as well.  Keep in mind you should be spending 3 hours a week on this class,

The Volvo ad in this link is a great example:

If it is helpful, to do a Google Meet I am happy to make it happen.  Maybe Thursday at noon? Please comment to the post if you would like to do that or if you have questions/concerns.

I am still waiting to hear back from the Gazette regarding a deadline etc... so I will share as soon as I hear back.

All Middle School Exploratory for the week of 3/30-4/3

hi everyone!  I hope everyone is doing well at home!  Every week will be doing a half hour's worth of work to keep up our skills.  Please remember every drawing should always be done with the same process we have used since day one with basic shapes, center line, construction lines etc...

As we discussed on day one, make sure if you do not see your class on the first page, you scroll to the bottom and click "older posts".

Draw any three objects from observation. (no text on them)  They must be overlapping one another.  This will be part one of two, so focus on structure only.  No values, or details unless you are completly satisfied with the work.  Look carefully at how the objects relate to each other in terms of height and width and their placement in relation to each other.

Email or comment on this post with questions.  Please email a picture of your work when complete.

Ceramics- Untraditional Tiles (week of 3/30-4/3)

Students will create ONE set of 4 tiles that have a unified theme but work as individual piecess of art as well as a whole.  The shapes of each tile must be untraditional in the sense that they will not be simple squares or rectangles.  Examples are included in links at the bottom of this post..  Do NOT make one piece and slice it into four.  Each tile must be a minimum of 5" x 5".(if we get back to school in May we will build these from the sketches) 
  Please avoid putting an object in the center of a random shape, think about creative ways you could break the border of a shape.

Begin by choosing a theme and sketching your ideas as always.  For example, if your theme is music, each of the tiles could be a different instrument that fit together in a creative way and can all be different sizes/shapes as long as they have visual qualities that unite them.

Each piece will be approached with a relief technique meaning that there will be several layers of depth.  You will need to both cut into the clay and build up the surface of the clay to create several planes.
Choose a subject that is meaningful to you, work hard and have fun!

Unity- Sense of wholeness in a work of art achieved through effective use of elements and principles of art.  Unity utilizes proximity, repetition and simplicity.

Relief-  Relief sculpture is any work which projects from but which belongs to the wall, or other type of background surface, on which it is carved. Reliefs are traditionally classified according to how high the figures project from the background. Also known as relievo, relief sculpture is a combination of the two-dimensional pictorial arts and the three-dimensional sculptural arts. Thus a relief, like a picture, is dependent on a background surface and its composition must be extended in a plane in order to be visible. Yet at the same time a relief also has a degree of real three-dimensionality, just like a proper sculpture. (ignore first image, and the shoe)

Friday, March 27, 2020

ALL STUDENTS- please read and respond with a comment below

I attended a webinar and liked some of the ideas for both 2D and 3D art exercises.  These may be helpful projects to relax with, give it a shot if you see one that appeals to you.

I am thinking about setting up a table outside of Frontier with supplies if anyone would live to stop by and pick some up to work with.  If you would be interested, please comment below and let me know.  More info coming soon!

Tuesday, March 24, 2020

Foundations, Foundations 2, Design and Advanced Art

Please continue working on Create An Ad ideas.  You should have put two hours or so into concepts, thumbnails sketches last week, and an additional 2 this week. (Design class should be 3 hours per week) Expectations were outlined in prior posts so please go back and read them if you failed to do so.  

Please email pictures to me so I can give you feedback.

I have quite a few people who did not turn in work or even check in last week so please make sure you are meeting the expectations and keeping plugging away on your work.  Comment here and email me anytime.  More details as we go forward once we establish our concepts.

Be creative and have fun!