Students will create ONE set of 4 tiles that have a unified theme but work as individual piecess of art as well as a whole. The shapes of each tile must be untraditional in the sense that they will not be simple squares or rectangles. Examples are included in links at the bottom of this post.. Do NOT make one piece and slice it into four. Each tile must be a minimum of 5" x 5".(if we get back to school in May we will build these from the sketches)
Please avoid putting an object in the center of a random shape, think about creative ways you could break the border of a shape.
Begin by choosing a theme and sketching your ideas as always. For example, if your theme is music, each of the tiles could be a different instrument that fit together in a creative way and can all be different sizes/shapes as long as they have visual qualities that unite them.
Each piece will be approached with a relief technique meaning that there will be several layers of depth. You will need to both cut into the clay and build up the surface of the clay to create several planes.
Choose a subject that is meaningful to you, work hard and have fun!
Unity- Sense of wholeness in a work of art achieved through effective use of elements and principles of art. Unity utilizes proximity, repetition and simplicity.
Relief- Relief sculpture is any work which projects from but which belongs to the wall, or other type of background surface, on which it is carved. Reliefs are traditionally classified according to how high the figures project from the background. Also known as relievo, relief sculpture is a combination of the two-dimensional pictorial arts and the three-dimensional sculptural arts. Thus a relief, like a picture, is dependent on a background surface and its composition must be extended in a plane in order to be visible. Yet at the same time a relief also has a degree of real three-dimensionality, just like a proper sculpture. (ignore first image, and the shoe)
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