Monday, May 4, 2020

Ceramics- Portrait (week of 5/4-5/8)

For this project we will choose a public figure to create a portrait of. This could be of an athlete, musician, politician, actor or anyone who is famous on some level and easy to find good references of. Portraits are challenging because in order for them to look accurate you must focus on all of the unique features and avoid making the face look generic.  We will not be building this project with clay but simply focus on the part we can do from home which is the investigation of our subject.
Begin by finding AT LEAST 2 photo references of your subject from two different points of view and both show their entire head and are well lit. (front view and profile are ideal)  Begin the process the same way as always by doing a sketch of your subject on blank paper.  Develop this drawing to as finished a state as possible as it will help familirize you with their features.  
Of course, there are many other ways to approach portraits so I have included links to a tutorial from a friend of mine, Long Chen who is an amazing watercolor artist and creates stunning portraits.  See if there are any bits of advise you could incorporate into your process.As always, you should be working for about two hours a week and we can take two weeks to complete these for a total of 4 hours of drawing.  Use the same method as always and email a progress shot of this week's work to me by Monday May 11th so I can give you feedback to move towards completing the work next week.

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