Monday, April 27, 2020

Foundations- Two Point Perspective (week of 4/27-5/1)

I hope everyone had a nice April break!  We are going to continue building skills with perspective by moving from one point to two point perspective.  This week we will do the same thing as last week by drawing two objects above and two below the horizon line for a total of four objects, this time in two point perspective.  Begin by drawing horizontal line in the center of the page which is your horizon line and then establish a vanishing point on the far left and far right of that line.  Begin your first of four objects by drawing a vertical line that represents the corner where the left side of the object meets the right.  Once you draw this line, connect the top and bottom of the vertical line to the two vanishing points you establish on the horizon line.  You can establish the back edges of the object  by drawing a vertical line anywhere between the two lines on each side of your initial vertical you started with.  The top or bottom can be established by using the vanishing point on the opposite side of the page.  

Watch the video below for a demonstration:

Take your time and don't be afraid to make mistakes and re-watch the video if necessary.  This process simply requires repetition to get comfortable with.  

Some students got ambitious last week and did both one point and two point perspective drawings.  If you already did that work, you can skip this week.  If you would like to do more practice, challenge yourself to focus on craftsmanship and make sure each line directly originates from the vanishing points.

Have fun!

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