Monday, April 6, 2020

Design-Industrial Design project

This will be your first graded project for quarter 4

What does an industrial designer do?
 Almost every factory-made object has been designed or planned by an industrial designer.These designers make detailed drawings of 3-D objects to show sizes, shapes and textures of the product. They specify the materials and processes of manufacturing. Often, industrial designers will also make models of the product for testing. Industrial designers try to anticipate all the ways a person might use --or misuse--the object. Industrial designers are artists. It is their job to make products look good because as Raymond Loewy, an influential industrial designer, said, "Ugliness doesn't sell." Henry Dreyfuss, one of the great industrial designers of the twentieth century, sums up the role of the industrial designer, "If people are made safer, more comfortable, more efficient-or just plain happier, the designer has succeeded."

Choose an everyday piece of furniture that you want to improve.  You can begin by searching: Industrial design furniture to get some ideas flowing.  Maybe you have a piece of furniture in your home that you don't find comfortable or aesthetically pleasing.

Divide a sheet of paper in half and make two lists. On one side list all the things the object does well--the things you like about it. On the other side, list the things the object does poorly--the things you dislike about it.

Note the changes you want to make on your thumbnail sketches. They should include changes in size, shape, materials, and color.

Your finished image will show two distinctly different points of view in the same scale of your re-designed item.

Send a picture of your sketches by the end of the week.  Email if you have questions

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