Monday, April 13, 2020

Foundations 1 &2, Design, Advanced Art- Create An Ad update. GRADED ASSIGNMENT FOR Q4

The Daily Hampshire Gazette has not decided what is going to happen with Create An Ad so considering a number of factors I have decided to discontinue our work on this year's contest.

This WILL be a graded assignment for quarter 4.  Please read carefully as you work is due by Friday 4/17 before we take the week off from remote learning to acknowledge April break.

You should have already turned in your work buy now.  The expectation is that you have put 6 hours into designing 3 different concepts, included all of the elements outlined in the March 31st post, and developed your work based on the feedback you received from me via email.
Please email me the latest work you have by Friday and grades will be posted on Powerschool next week.  
You should also turn in part one of the Perspective project by Friday 4/17

You are expected to have put in 9 hours of work on this project designing 3 different concepts, borders and  included all of the elements outlined in the March 31st post, and developed your work based on the feedback you received from me via email.
Please email me the latest work you have by Friday and grades will be posted on Powerschool next week.  
Design should have turned in Industrial Design work as well.  Both of these projects will be graded.

Advanced Art please make sure you have turned in the finished Alphabird Project by Friday 4/17

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