Antoine-Augustin Préault was a significant 19th century sculptor from the Romantic movement. His subjects included figures and fabric as well as decorative borders.
Please read and view the following links and get familiar with Preault's work.
Your assignment is to find or create references for each element and create a sketch that to the best of your ability depicts a relief.
-a human figure (could just be a head and shoulders if you choose not to do a full figure.)
-fabric around the figure which could be in the form of a hood or anything you chosse to base on one of his specific works. (this needs to have form so it should not be flat)
-a decorative border containing the figure. You can base it on any of Preault's work but do not copy it exactly, be creative.
Please read and view the following links and get familiar with Preault's work.
Your assignment is to find or create references for each element and create a sketch that to the best of your ability depicts a relief.
-a human figure (could just be a head and shoulders if you choose not to do a full figure.)
-fabric around the figure which could be in the form of a hood or anything you chosse to base on one of his specific works. (this needs to have form so it should not be flat)
-a decorative border containing the figure. You can base it on any of Preault's work but do not copy it exactly, be creative.
Take this week to find references for your elements and sketch out basic ideas. Please email them to me by Monday 5/11 so I can advise you on how to proceed. We will take next week to work on the finished sketch so put the time in this week to plan how your want your piece to look.
Relief- A relief sculpture is any work which projects from but which belongs to the wall, or other type of background surface, on which it is carved. Reliefs are traditionally classified according to how high the figures project from the background. Also known as relievo, relief sculpture is a combination of the two-dimensional pictorial arts and the three-dimensional sculptural arts. Thus a relief, like a picture, is dependent on a background surface and its composition must be extended in a plane in order to be visible. Yet at the same time a relief also has a degree of real three-dimensionality, just like a proper sculpture.
Reliefs tend to be more common than freestanding sculpture for a number of reasons. First, a relief sculpture can portray a far wider range of subjects than a statue because of its economy of resources. For instance, a battle scene, that, if sculpted in the round, would require a huge amount of space and material, can be rendered much more easily in relief. Second, because a relief is attached to its background surface, problems of weight and physical balance do not arise - unlike in statues and other freestanding sculptures where weight and balance can be critical. Third, because reliefs are carved directly onto walls, portals, ceilings, floors and other flat surfaces, they are ideally suited to architectural projects - typically the greatest source of sculptural commissions - for which they can provide both decorative and narrative functions.
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