Thursday, March 19, 2020

Foundations and Foundations 2

I hope you are all doing well with these unusual circumstances!  Businesses have been assigned for Create An Ad 2020 and are listed at the bottom of this post.  The deadline will be adjusted depending on when we return to school so don't worry about that.   Please carefully read the post below titled ALL STUDENTS PLEASE READ CAREFULLY

Let's begin by brainstorming ideas for your business. I am asking that you spend about 2 hours generating ideas and thumbnails sketches. (no full sized ones yet) I believe this most important part of this assignment is to make it FUN, not BORING.  There are many new businesses added to the mix this year and whichever one you are assigned is the one you have to keep. (there is no trading, sorry)

Think about your favorite advertisements which you are inundated with constantly.  Maybe it is funny, it could be weird, features a mascot or character etc...

A great example is Geico.  Car insurance sounds really boring and expensive, I initially would not be excited to get an insurance business, but... look at this character who actually makes the ads funny and stand out in your mind.  Brilliant idea to use this character coupled with humor:;_ylt=AwrC3OvKQHJeQ1EA9jAPxQt.;_ylu=X3oDMTB0N2Noc21lBGNvbG8DYmYxBHBvcwMxBHZ0aWQDBHNlYwNwaXZz?p=geico+ad&type=RVMC_80801240&hspart=Lkry&hsimp=yhs-SF01&param1=mT_FQUFLaANmE8X_M_UhhKTITWT5zt_XRUepV2iQXDsbk2giaCzAYT4KW2Pj7PIxjx2xzh-r17DKOSOQL-UDTEhXyVozf8-D7QrIwPed4ie9TT1Z6AExlH1SLOURa_B72hghQEOxclagOkr1PnDa7y1iYxO3jIm3h7Lk8IOEB1eMTPsiqCaqk-KgoH0R1G1oJIh5JJgghRrflPFo49rXQwK4ZslAutqg2ZflBvrGZ0dEsykJxUX0N9MzqqzmLA%2C%2C&ei=UTF-8&fr=yhs-Lkry-SF01&guce_referrer=aHR0cHM6Ly9zZWFyY2gueWFob28uY29tL3locy9zZWFyY2g_aHNwYXJ0PUxrcnkmaHNpbXA9eWhzLVNGMDEmdHlwZT1SVk1DXzgwODAxMjQwJm9idDlicGR5ZWQ9MCZwPWdlaWNvK2FkJnBhcmFtMT1tVF9GUVVGTGFBTm1FOFhfTV9VaGhLVElUV1Q1enRfWFJVZXBWMmlRWERzYmsyZ2lhQ3pBWVQ0S1cyUGo3UEl4angyeHpoLXIxN0RLT1NPUUwtVURURWhYeVZvemY4LUQ3UXJJd1BlZDRpZTlUVDFaNkFFeGxIMVNMT1VSYV9CNzJoZ2hRRU94Y2xhZ09rcjFQbkRhN3kxaVl4TzNqSW0zaDdMazhJT0VCMWVNVFBzaXFDYXFrLUtnb0gwUjFHMW9KSWg1SkpnZ2hScmZsUEZvNDlyWFF3SzRac2xBdXRxZzJaZmxCdnJHWjBkRXN5a0p4VVgwTjlNenFxem1MQSUyYyUyYw&guce_referrer_sig=AQAAAMZsZJ6VMs5IBclipCcoCUtPjdDbbuslriFKZip563L4LwOWusc26Rlz6bwGL4g-_uSeIsMaE9rNz8pohuuBOP9W3BHj9NC478SvCPvxXE_e52pnWsuQzgEOa5TTdkPAOo3PkgJKcur9oOVujrw_qjumkdqJ-ePWv6eTNmxCGTuD&_guc_consent_skip=1584546046

When I was in high school (yes, a long time ago) I did Create An Ad and found it extremely boring until I decided I was going to find a way to incorporate super heroes into it.  Suddenly I was excited about it because I incorporated things that I enjoyed into the ad.  Do the same thing!  If you get a bank, don't feel trapped into drawing a Bank OR money IN your imaGe.  If you like drawing dinosaurs come up with a funny headline or pun to make sense of the ad featuring them.  Most people find puppies, kittens or babies cute, if that is what you're going for then feature them in your art.

Some of these businesses will not be open with the current state of the world, but some will and others will ask you to leave a message.  Begin by calling your contact person listed below.

I recommend doing this:
Hi, my name is (insert your name), I am from Frontier Regional School and I am doing an ad for your business.  Is there anything specific you would like me to include?
They will either say, do whatever you want or they will give you specifics.  Be ready to write it down and ask questions.

You will NOT be visiting any locations but I would recommend looking at their website, social media etc...  If they do not get back to you within 48 hours we will move ahead without their feedback.
If someone is rude please let me know and I will deal with it and get back to you. (this is a very unusual case.  Most of them want you to deliver excellent work to represent them in a positive way.)

Alex  A2Z Science & Learning Store  contact:Andre Bouley 413 586 1611
Cordelia   Amherst Farmers Supply  contact: Ashlee Girard 413 253 3436
Avery     Bath Fitter 413 376 5020
Kunsang    Big E's Supermarket  contact: Judi Lebel 413 527 2125
Brandi     Burger King  contact: Crystal 413 527 7929
Amalie   Burke Chevrolet  contact: Bryan Burke 413 584 3883
Harrison   Care One  contact: Patricia Gendron 413 923 9278
Kayleigh   Cohn & Company   contact: Bonnie Welcome 413 223 1374
Sam  Cooley Dickinson Hospital  Kelly Charest 413 582 2216 (email me, they want some specifics)
Lena   The Arbors Assisted Living at Amherst  contact: Karen Walters-Zucco  413 548 6800
Adrienne   Atkins Farm Country Market  contact: Jen Adams 413 253 9528
Michaela   Walter's Propane  contact: Richard Strycharz  413 665 2211 or 584 3968
Sabrina   Winchedon Furniture   contact:
Deter   Wohl Family Dentistry  contact: Dr Corina Wohl  413 586 6180
Natalie  YMCA  contact: Sara Hannon 413 773 3646 x 434
Sophia  1812 Paint and Body  contact:  Kris or Peggy Pease 413 584 8396

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