Wednesday, February 26, 2020

Design- Visual Identity

A brand's visual identity can be defined as what the consumer pictures in their mind when they hear the brand name. This includes the logo mark, but is also much more. A visual identity encompasses all visual inputs that can be associated with a brand.

Your assignment is to create a brand for yourself which will include a logo and some kind of a visual element that can be used for business cards, social media profile image and letterhead.  The image should be quickly and easily recognizable like the ones we have reviewed.  

Your final logo and image should be proportional to 2"x 3.5".  Recommended size for your final is 6"x 10.5.  There can always be exceptions if there is a creative idea that makes sense.

I recommend you limit yourself to three colors but if there is a creative reason that makes sense, that can be flexible as well.

Use color is a deliberate way that demonstrates your knowledge from your reading in this class.

Choose a font that describes your job or business.  Think about the shape or the letterforms, serif or san serif, bold, italic, color and how it interacts with the visual element.
Check out for fonts that you could manipulate into your own as well as searching free fonts.

Focus on strong craftsmanship so that the design looks professional with the intention of attracting customers or potential employers.

Use any medium or mixed media your choose

Due on Tuesday March 10th.

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