Begin by taking a sheet of white 9 x12 paper and folding it in half so you have two even columns.
Measure one inch columns by making a mark (HB pencil) with you ruler on both the left side and the right side every one inch. When both sides are measured connect them with your ruler/straight edge so that you have parallel lines all the way down the long side. Please pay attention to the demonstration and ask questions if you have them.
We are going to create two 12 step grayscales. On the left we will use hatching and on the right will be crosshatching. The grayscale begins with white so do not make any lines on the first step. Begin by establishing BOTH the darkest value on one end and the lightest on the opposite end so that you understand the range of values you have to work with. Keep the lines that you make light, and focus on the proximity of lines and making them parallel.
You can choose to make your parallel lines geometric or organic. The key is to make each of the twelve steps clearly distiguishible from the last. Ultimately you should have two grayscales that transition gradually from white to a very dark value. (again, not dark lines)
Read and look at the link below for some excellent examples:
Hatching- the engraving or drawing of fine lines in close proximity especially to give an effect of shading; also : the pattern so made.
Crosshatching- to mark or shade with two or more intersecting series of parallel lines.
Geometric line- A geometrical object that is straight, infinitely long and infinitely thin.
Organic line- types of lines found in nature. They are irregular, curved, and often fluid.
Thursday, February 27, 2020
Wednesday, February 26, 2020
Advanced Art- Alphabird
After reading the last post on typefaces you will be ready to move on to the assignment. Choose 3 different letterforms from three different fonts. No L's, I's or O's. Then choose 3 different birds and get photo references of each. Begin thumbnail sketches on ways to create the letterforms you chose using the three birds. Each of the birds should be approximately 10 inches tall and you may use any mixed media you choose. You will need at least two so colored pencil and watercolor would be an example.
Focus on these objectives:
Beginning your drawing with basic shapes using the letterforms as a "skeleton"
Focus on texture and create at least 3 different distict textures with each of the birds.
Make sure that the letterforms are readable in the amalgam form that you create.
Focus on these objectives:
Beginning your drawing with basic shapes using the letterforms as a "skeleton"
Focus on texture and create at least 3 different distict textures with each of the birds.
Make sure that the letterforms are readable in the amalgam form that you create.
Design- Visual Identity
A brand's visual identity can be defined as what the consumer pictures in their mind when they hear the brand name. This includes the logo mark, but is also much more. A visual identity encompasses all visual inputs that can be associated with a brand.
Your assignment is to create a brand for yourself which will include a logo and some kind of a visual element that can be used for business cards, social media profile image and letterhead. The image should be quickly and easily recognizable like the ones we have reviewed.
Your final logo and image should be proportional to 2"x 3.5". Recommended size for your final is 6"x 10.5. There can always be exceptions if there is a creative idea that makes sense.
I recommend you limit yourself to three colors but if there is a creative reason that makes sense, that can be flexible as well.
Use color is a deliberate way that demonstrates your knowledge from your reading in this class.
Choose a font that describes your job or business. Think about the shape or the letterforms, serif or san serif, bold, italic, color and how it interacts with the visual element.
Check out for fonts that you could manipulate into your own as well as searching free fonts.
Focus on strong craftsmanship so that the design looks professional with the intention of attracting customers or potential employers.
Use any medium or mixed media your choose
Due on Tuesday March 10th.
Your assignment is to create a brand for yourself which will include a logo and some kind of a visual element that can be used for business cards, social media profile image and letterhead. The image should be quickly and easily recognizable like the ones we have reviewed.
Your final logo and image should be proportional to 2"x 3.5". Recommended size for your final is 6"x 10.5. There can always be exceptions if there is a creative idea that makes sense.
I recommend you limit yourself to three colors but if there is a creative reason that makes sense, that can be flexible as well.
Use color is a deliberate way that demonstrates your knowledge from your reading in this class.
Choose a font that describes your job or business. Think about the shape or the letterforms, serif or san serif, bold, italic, color and how it interacts with the visual element.
Check out for fonts that you could manipulate into your own as well as searching free fonts.
Focus on strong craftsmanship so that the design looks professional with the intention of attracting customers or potential employers.
Use any medium or mixed media your choose
Due on Tuesday March 10th.
Tuesday, February 25, 2020
Design -answer the following in a comment
If you were designing a logo for yourself and you want the viewer to feel calm and serenity what color would you use and why?
If you want your audience to feel intensity, increase their heart rate and have a visceral response what color would you use and why?
Why does Dunkin' use the two colors in their logo and why do they use the specific style of font? Explain using information you read about in the blog entries.
If you want your audience to feel intensity, increase their heart rate and have a visceral response what color would you use and why?
Why does Dunkin' use the two colors in their logo and why do they use the specific style of font? Explain using information you read about in the blog entries.
Monday, February 24, 2020
Advanced Art- hand drawn typefaces
Please copy and paste the link into your browser and read through step four which will give you some basic information to set up rendering your typefaces and fonts. Please click on and read the link titled the A to Z Of Typography in step one of the article. You do not need to know all of the definitions but you DO need to know the following: All Caps, Alley(gutter), Ascender, Baseline, Descender, Kerning, Leading, Serif/Sans Serif, Weight, X-height
Choose 3 different letterforms after you complete your reading and write them on a piece of blank white paper using the format you just learned. No i's, l's or o's
Design- color theory and branding
Carefully and thoroughly read all four articles and take notes on anything that seems like it might be relevant to your ideas for a logo design for yourself and your business.
If you do not complete the reading in class, your homework is to complete it for tomorrow and there will be a short Q&A
If you do not complete the reading in class, your homework is to complete it for tomorrow and there will be a short Q&A
Sketchbooks assignments due 2/28
Expectations for all sketchbook assignments are to spend a focused, undistracted hour drawing the assignment.(an unfinished drawing is acceptable as long as the time is spent.) Assignment is (most often) given on Monday and due by Friday. Begin with basic shapes and "sculpt" the details to bring it to completion.
Make sure to write the date you turned it in on the back along with a word or two about what the assignment was.
If for some reason you misplace your sketchbook, do the assignment on white paper and turn it in. We can put it in your sketchbook at a later date.
Late work is accepted but drops a letter grade every school day that it is late. Do your best work and have fun!
Design- Create a mascot or character that could accompany your logo/jimaginary job concept from last week's sketchbook assignment
Advanced Art- Practice hatching and crosshatching with both straight lines (use a straight edge) and organic lines. There does not to be a finished image, just as wide a variety of values as you can produce.
Make sure to write the date you turned it in on the back along with a word or two about what the assignment was.
If for some reason you misplace your sketchbook, do the assignment on white paper and turn it in. We can put it in your sketchbook at a later date.
Late work is accepted but drops a letter grade every school day that it is late. Do your best work and have fun!
Design- Create a mascot or character that could accompany your logo/jimaginary job concept from last week's sketchbook assignment
Advanced Art- Practice hatching and crosshatching with both straight lines (use a straight edge) and organic lines. There does not to be a finished image, just as wide a variety of values as you can produce.
Foundations- Draw two objects (no text on either) from either a photo reference or observation. One should be mde up primarily of organic lines and the other geometric lines. A grapefruit and a remote control could be a good example.
Foundaions 2- Same assignment plus make sure that your drawing has at least 5 different values
Foundaions 2- Same assignment plus make sure that your drawing has at least 5 different values
Friday, February 14, 2020
Ceramics- Coils
The second of the three basic techniques we will explore is coils. A demonstration will be done in class. Essentially this process is to roll clay into snake-like shapes that create constructions with them.
Begin the same way we did with pinch pots (and will with every project) by sketching your concept on blank paper and then build. Each piece needs to be build primarily using the coil technique but additional sculpting can be done as well. Each piece needs to be at least 6" x 6" (approximately) and must include an element of a theme that you choose. For example, if you choose reptiles one piece could have a reptilian texture, the second could be a different reptile made from coils etc... Photo reference is required for each and must be utilized and available on your chrome book at all times.
Follow the same process in creating your work and reference the board for reminders if you need them.
Work hard and have fun!
Begin the same way we did with pinch pots (and will with every project) by sketching your concept on blank paper and then build. Each piece needs to be build primarily using the coil technique but additional sculpting can be done as well. Each piece needs to be at least 6" x 6" (approximately) and must include an element of a theme that you choose. For example, if you choose reptiles one piece could have a reptilian texture, the second could be a different reptile made from coils etc... Photo reference is required for each and must be utilized and available on your chrome book at all times.
Follow the same process in creating your work and reference the board for reminders if you need them.
Work hard and have fun!
Monday, February 10, 2020
Sketchbook assignments due 2/14
Expectations for all sketchbook assignments are to spend a focused, undistracted hour drawing the assignment.(an unfinished drawing is acceptable as long as the time is spent.) Assignment is (most often) given on Monday and due by Friday. Begin with basic shapes and "sculpt" the details to bring it to completion.
Make sure to write the date you turned it in on the back along with a word or two about what the assignment was.
If for some reason you misplace your sketchbook, do the assignment on white paper and turn it in. We can put it in your sketchbook at a later date.
Late work is accepted but drops a letter grade every school day that it is late. Do your best work and have fun!
Middle School Exploratory- Choose any three dimensional object that does not have any text on it and draw from observation.
MS3D- draw any shoe from observation
Design- Create sketches for an imaginary business or job title. Think about developing a visual that would ultimately accompany your name. Color optional
Advanced Art- One hour observation
Make sure to write the date you turned it in on the back along with a word or two about what the assignment was.
If for some reason you misplace your sketchbook, do the assignment on white paper and turn it in. We can put it in your sketchbook at a later date.
Late work is accepted but drops a letter grade every school day that it is late. Do your best work and have fun!
Middle School Exploratory- Choose any three dimensional object that does not have any text on it and draw from observation.
MS3D- draw any shoe from observation
Design- Create sketches for an imaginary business or job title. Think about developing a visual that would ultimately accompany your name. Color optional
Advanced Art- One hour observation
Foundations- Draw any two objects that have no text on them from observation. One object must overlap the other.
Tuesday, February 4, 2020
Ceramics 2 Mesopotamia
Mesopotamia, the "land between" the Tigris and Euphrates rivers, which would now be in the region of Syria, is the focus for the second project. . In approximately 6000 BC, pottery known as Halaf pottery was known for it’s smooth surface and often used a very limited palette of both red and black pigments. (distinctive blues were used as this period of art evolved)
Students will, again, follow links provided on the blog and research this period in time and look at the traits of this work including not only the smooth surfaces but the the use of animals as a theme for both utilitarian work as well as aesthetic creations. References of three different animals will be gathered and students will create three different pieces. The wheel will be an option for students to utilize in the creation of these pieces. Artwork may be produced in any form from sculpture to a bowl or plate. Each piece must be 6x6 inches or larger.
Alternate assignment will be to investigate and create a foot tall free-standing Lamassu, which were known to be mythical guardians in animal form with human heads. Students will investigate the treasures of Ur which will provide many examples of animal subjects, color pallets and designs.

Please read assigned links above and leave a comment with initial thoughts for how you want to proceed with the project you have chosen. (comment will not automatically appear so please send only once) Yes, the comment is required.
Monday, February 3, 2020
Ceramics Vocab
Leather hard- Clay that is still dark in color, cool to the touch because some moisture still remains. The clay pieces will support their own weight without sagging.
Bleach test- This test is used to determine a critical stage in the drying of greenware. If a dab of water darkens the surface of the clay it may no longer be joined or repaired.
Bone dry- the completely dry state the clay must reach before bisqu (first) firing.
Bisque firing- This is the first firing. Clay is fired at cone 05. After this firing the clay is sturdy, not workable, not recyclable and still porous. The clay pieces must be glazed to finish their surfaces.
Glaze firing- Kiln firing in which glazes are melted to form a smooth glass-like surface.
Glazes- Glazes often appear dull and one must pay attention to the color swatches, NOT the color as it appears in it's unfired condition because as intense heat is applied in the glaze firing, the chemicals react to create each glaze's unique properties of transparency, color, texture and gloss. Underglazes have a matte finish, overglazes have a gloss finish.
Kiln- The well insulated oven used to fire ceramics pieces. Our kiln is electric.
Wedging- A process where the clay is "kneaded" to remove air bubbles and to work the clay into a consistent tecture and mositure suitable for working. This process requires patience and practice.
Slurry- Very soft clay used for joining leatherhard sections of clay together.
Scratching and slurrying- The technique of marking the clay pieces in a criss cross pattern with a pin tool to prepare them for joining with slurry.
Foot- the base of a ceramics piece
Rib- a wide flat hand held tool with a straight or curved edge. Made of metal, wood or rubber. It is used to smooth and shape clay surfaces.
Bleach test- This test is used to determine a critical stage in the drying of greenware. If a dab of water darkens the surface of the clay it may no longer be joined or repaired.
Bone dry- the completely dry state the clay must reach before bisqu (first) firing.
Bisque firing- This is the first firing. Clay is fired at cone 05. After this firing the clay is sturdy, not workable, not recyclable and still porous. The clay pieces must be glazed to finish their surfaces.
Glaze firing- Kiln firing in which glazes are melted to form a smooth glass-like surface.
Glazes- Glazes often appear dull and one must pay attention to the color swatches, NOT the color as it appears in it's unfired condition because as intense heat is applied in the glaze firing, the chemicals react to create each glaze's unique properties of transparency, color, texture and gloss. Underglazes have a matte finish, overglazes have a gloss finish.
Kiln- The well insulated oven used to fire ceramics pieces. Our kiln is electric.
Wedging- A process where the clay is "kneaded" to remove air bubbles and to work the clay into a consistent tecture and mositure suitable for working. This process requires patience and practice.
Slurry- Very soft clay used for joining leatherhard sections of clay together.
Scratching and slurrying- The technique of marking the clay pieces in a criss cross pattern with a pin tool to prepare them for joining with slurry.
Foot- the base of a ceramics piece
Rib- a wide flat hand held tool with a straight or curved edge. Made of metal, wood or rubber. It is used to smooth and shape clay surfaces.
Sketchbook assignments due 2/7
Expectations for all sketchbook assignments are to spend a focused, undistracted hour drawing the assignment.(an unfinished drawing is acceptable as long as the time is spent.) Assignment is (most often) given on Monday and due by Friday. Begin with basic shapes and "sculpt" the details to bring it to completion.
Make sure to write the date you turned it in on the back along with a word or two about what the assignment was.
If for some reason you misplace your sketchbook, do the assignment on white paper and turn it in. We can put it in your sketchbook at a later date.
Late work is accepted but drops a letter grade every school day that it is late. Do your best work and have fun!
Middle School Exploratory- Choose any two objects that do not have any text on them and draw from observation.
MS3D- Practice drawing your shoe logo. You could do many quick sketches or maybe a few more developed ideas.
Design and Advanced Art- Construct your name using a font of your choice. The text must be at least 4 inches tall. Refer to the post below on guidelines for drawing fonts by hand.
Make sure to write the date you turned it in on the back along with a word or two about what the assignment was.
If for some reason you misplace your sketchbook, do the assignment on white paper and turn it in. We can put it in your sketchbook at a later date.
Late work is accepted but drops a letter grade every school day that it is late. Do your best work and have fun!
Middle School Exploratory- Choose any two objects that do not have any text on them and draw from observation.
MS3D- Practice drawing your shoe logo. You could do many quick sketches or maybe a few more developed ideas.
Design and Advanced Art- Construct your name using a font of your choice. The text must be at least 4 inches tall. Refer to the post below on guidelines for drawing fonts by hand.
Middle School- Elements Of Art
Find a painting that demonstrates all 7 of the elements of art on your chrome book.
Choose from the following artists:
Mary Cassatt
Janet Fish
Jim Dine
Paul Gauguin
Rene Magritte
Johannes Vermeer
Rembrandt Van Rijn
Leonardo De Vinci
Claude Monet
Wayne Thiebaud
Elements Of Art
Value- the degree of lightness or darkness of an object
Line- the path of a moving point through space
Shape- 2d area that is either organic or geometric. Has height and width but no depth
Form- objects that have three dimensions
Color- derived from reflected light. Has three properties: Hue- names of the colors, Value- lightness or darkness Intensity- purity of the hue or chrome
Texture- degree of roughness or smoothness of an object, can be tactile or visual
Space- referring to the emptiness or area between, around or within objects
Drawing a hand with basic shapes
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