Friday, December 20, 2019

Ceramics/Ceramics 2 Final Presentation B block Wed 1/15, A block Thurs 1/16

day, May 22, 20Thurs 6/13

Write a 2 full page (minimum) double spaced 12 point type paper about an artist of your choice who works in ANY 3D medium. ( Do not serach 3D artists and choose an artist who does 2D art that looks 3D)  Artist must be approved by Mr. P before beginning. Paper is double spaced, 12 point font, no additional images, listing all sources in an additional works cited page.  (Be certain that you can find at least 3 different independent sources of information to gather information from.  Wikipedia and the artist's personal site do not count.) Research the artist’s background and their body of work. What are they known for, their training, what medium do they work in, how do they create their work, and what size do they typically work what are their influences…? Please bring in at least one full color image of their work to show the class so everyone leaves learning something about each student’s subject. No plagiarism of any kind as it will result in a ZERO.  We will discuss plagiarism briefly so if you have questions it will up to you to ask.

Please be seated with your printed paper, ready to present before classtime starts.  No emailed or late papers will be accepted.  Please get your work done ahead of time to avoid printers running out of ink, not working, dogs alleviating their hunger etc...

I am available to read drafts to give feedback before you hand in the final.  The writing center is also available to read first drafts.  

Ceramics 2 is the same project except that you will need at least two full color images to present to the class.  A first draft of your paper is due a week before the presentation.

Final project counts as 20% of your final grade so please make sure you know your material (including knowing how to correctly pronounce your artist's name) as you will be asked questions.  Your presentation of the content counts for 10% of your grade, so have your full color image printed or book in hand and give a well thought through synopsis of your paper or read the paper from your seat, whichever you feel will be most effective.

Wednesday, December 18, 2019

Pop Art- Ceiling Tile Hybrid

We will be working on ceiling tiles and you have the choice of working in pairs or solo.  Choose any two Pop Art artists from the Pop Art movement and get them approved by Mr. Purcell.

Create an image of your choice that is a hybrid of the two artists you choose.  You could choose a single image that is painted in the style of Jim Dine on the left and Andy Warhol on the right and as they meet in the middle they intertwine styles.  You could also choose a recognizable image from one artist and render it in the different styles of the two artists you chose.  Be creative! We will have a critique and once the sketch is approved we will get to work by applying gesso to the ceiling tile and then pencil and color.

This project counts for half of your Final Presentation grade so work hard and have fun!

Monday, December 16, 2019

No sketchbooks this week

Ceramics- Wheel Throwing

After viewing demos and reading handouts students will demonstrate the process by generating at least three pieces.  All three pieces must follow the steps in the sequence they are taught from beginning to end and have the handout available throughout the entire process.  After three pieces are created students can begin to explore any variations in the process that they choose.  Students will turn in the best piece for a grade.  
There will be two bags of clay in the damp box, fresh clay for the wheel will be on the right and wet clay on the left.  Please pay attention to which you are using and where you put wet clay back.  Reminder is on the damp box.
Schedule is posted on the board and students need to be prepared to work when they are scheduled and to consider having a change of clothes and wear a smock.

Monday, December 9, 2019

Sketchbooks due by Dec 13

Expectations for all sketchbook assignments are to spend a focused, undistracted hour drawing the assignment.(an unfinished drawing is acceptable as long as the time is spent.)  Assignment is (most often) given on Monday and due by Friday.  Begin with basic shapes and "sculpt" the details to bring it to completion. 
Make sure to write the date you turned it in on the back along with a word or two about what the assignment was.
If for some reason you misplace your sketchbook, do the assignment on white paper and turn it in.  We can put it in your sketchbook at a later date.

Late work is accepted but drops a letter grade every school day that it is late.  Do your best work and have fun!

Foundations- Draw an item of clothing from observation using the same drawing methods we always do.  This should be as finished as possible.

Foundations 2- Same as above but draw two items of clothing overlapping one another.

Drawing and Painting- Draw an element from your mural using photo reference and  our usual drawing methods.  The item does not have to be the exact same one in your mural.  For example, if you are drawing a lighthouse, you could find a reference of a different one than what appears in the mural.

Thursday, December 5, 2019

Foundations and Foundations 2- Color -due on Tuesday 12/10

Read pages 44-49 in A World of Images on the use of color which we will be using as we continue with watercolor and acrylic painting. 
Answer the following in the comments below:

What is the difference between a tint and a shade of color?

Give an example of what simultaneous contrast is.

What are complimentary colors?

Monday, December 2, 2019

Sketchbooks due Dec 6

Expectations for all sketchbook assignments are to spend a focused, undistracted hour drawing the assignment.(an unfinished drawing is acceptable as long as the time is spent.)  Assignment is (most often) given on Monday and due by Friday.  Begin with basic shapes and "sculpt" the details to bring it to completion. 
Make sure to write the date you turned it in on the back along with a word or two about what the assignment was.
If for some reason you misplace your sketchbook, do the assignment on white paper and turn it in.  We can put it in your sketchbook at a later date.

Late work is accepted but drops a letter grade every school day that it is late.  Do your best work and have fun!

Foundations- Draw the house that you chose for photo reference that you are using on your current watercolor perspective project. As always, begin with basic shapes, construction lines, center lines etc and develop it into a finished drawing. 

Pop Art- Draw an example of one your artist's most famous works.  As always, begin with structure (basic shapes) and develop it into a finished piece)

Middle School Exploratory- review how to draw the human head using the technique we learned on the first day of class. We will do a demo in class. The assignment is to draw a finished front and side view of a head from photo reference. Drawings should be developed into a finished drawing. 

Tuesday, November 26, 2019

POP ART- trading cards

Finished pencil drawings for the 2 trading cards were due 11/126.  If you did not finish, the expectation is that you will hand in the 2 completed pencil stages of both cards for Monday 12/2.  DO NOT forget them at home over the break.

Monday, November 25, 2019

Drawing and Painting Mural Painting Expectations

Begin each day by gathering with your group and discuss what everyone will be doing that day.  No one should be sitting doing nothing or "waiting"and no cell phones out for any reason.

Before leaving the room to work on murals making sure everyone has pencils, erasers and chromebooks with the appropriate photo references.

Make it a point to communicate clearly with your group so that everyone is on the same page and no assumptions are made.

You will be given a 5 minute heads up when it is time to bring supplies back to class and pack up.  

No one leaves early and will be dismissed by teacher to avoid confusion with the clocks continuing not to be accurate.

Once painting begins after break the floor underneath the mural needs to be covered at all times and if paint spills please use a sponge/wet paper towel asap, do not wait.

Make sure all round brushes being used are point up, not down in containers of water to preserve the points.

Rob Kearney Assembly Follow-Up

Rob Kearney Assembly Follow-Up 
Monday, Nov. 25th

  1. Please complete this survey:

    1. Discussion Questions
      1. What is your overall reaction to Friday’s assembly?
      2. Rob said one of the common things he hears is, “You’re can’t be a Strong Man because you’re gay.” Why do you think people believe that? 
      3. Do you think boys at this school feel pressure to be “manly?” What does that mean? How does it impact everyone?
      4. Where’s the line between joking around and harassment? How do you know when you cross it? Is it the same for everyone? Is there anything that it’s never ok to joke about?
      5. What are the things that you like about our school? What are the things you wish were different?
      6. How would you describe our school culture? Do you think anything needs to change? Why or why not?

  1. write a response either on paper or using this form: 
    1. Students can respond to any of the discussion questions, reflect on their reactions to the class discussion, or tell us about their overall response to the assembly. 
    2. Names on these responses are optional

Tuesday, November 19, 2019

Foundations 1 & 2- Two Point Perspective Watercolor

Using the skills from our last project students will move on to create a finished watercolor painting of an architectural structure in an environment of their choice.
Begin by looking at some examples:

Find a photo reference of a building that shows two sides of the exterior creating a corner just like you have seen on the two point perspective poster.

FInd a photo reference of an environment that the buildng exits in which could be realistic or unusual.

Tape two strips of paper on the left and right of your 9 x 12 paper as demonstrated to extend the horizon line and create vanishing points on those strips off of your finished work.

Carefully choose where your horizon line should be on the page depending on the point of view you chose in your photo references.  Begin to figure out where to place your vanishing points. (remember they are points, not circles)

Do your best to represent the buidling accurately but do not expect to replicate it.

When your drawing is developed and complete you can begin painting with watercolor.  The goal is to utilize all four techniques we learned, and do your best to combine those techniques as well.  

Make sure you have a solid light source when you paint so that the background and subject work in unison and make sense.

Foundations 2- Same as above except that your subject has to be 3 or more skyscrapers.  You will include a third strip of paper on either the top or bottom of your page to allow for a third perspective point that you will include.  This will essentially be in place of your vertical lines that you would normally use in a two point perspective.

Monday, November 18, 2019

Sketchbooks due by 11/22

Expectations for all sketchbook assignments are to spend a focused, undistracted hour drawing the assignment.(an unfinished drawing is acceptable as long as the time is spent.)  Assignment is given on Monday and due by Friday.  Begin with basic shapes and "sculpt" the details to bring it to completion. 
Make sure to write the date you turned it in on the back along with a word or two about what the assignment was.
If for some reason you misplace your sketchbook, do the assignment on white paper and turn it in.  We can put it in your sketchbook at a later date.

Late work is accepted but drops a letter grade every school day that it is late.  Do your best work and have fun!

Foundations- Draw a hallway from observation.  This can be done in one point perspective.  This can be done at home, at school or anyplace that has a hallway that you can sit at one end and draw what you see.  Since you are drawing for an hour this piece should be developed with some texture and maybe even value.

Pop Art- Create a layout for text on the back of your trading card.  The information you will include will be:

the artist's name
date of birth

Create a design that in some way visually describes the artist so it is not just plain text on a blank background.

Utilize real fonts.  You can search free fonts and you can search sites lile

Wednesday, November 13, 2019

Ceramics- Tiles

Students will create ONE set of 4 tiles that have a unified theme but work as individual pieces of art.  The shapes of each tile must be untraditional in the sense that they will not be simple squares or rectangles.  Examples will be provided in class.  Do NOT make one piece and slice it into four.  Each tile must be a minimum of 5" x 5".
Begin by choosing a theme and sketching your ideas as always.  For example, if your theme is music, each of the tiles could be a different instrument that fit together in a creative way and can all be different sizes/shapes as long as they have visual qualities that unite them.
Each piece will be approached with a relief technique meaning that there will be several layers of depth.  You will need to both cut into the clay and build up the surface of the clay to create several planes.
Choose a subject that is meaningful to you, work hard and have fun!

Unity- Sense of wholeness in a work of art achieved through effective use of elements and principles of art.  Unity utilizes proximity, repetition and simplicity.

Relief-  Relief sculpture is any work which projects from but which belongs to the wall, or other type of background surface, on which it is carved. Reliefs are traditionally classified according to how high the figures project from the background. Also known as relievo, relief sculpture is a combination of the two-dimensional pictorial arts and the three-dimensional sculptural arts. Thus a relief, like a picture, is dependent on a background surface and its composition must be extended in a plane in order to be visible. Yet at the same time a relief also has a degree of real three-dimensionality, just like a proper sculpture.

Friday, November 8, 2019

Ceramics 2- Mochina

Students will discover Peruvian work in the Moche culture from 100-800 AD and the organic nature of the work which were often used as musical instruments. Students will be introduced to using molds to create a variety of handles that they will attach to their work to represent trademark aesthetic choices of this culture. White clay will be used with a monochromatic palette of reds.(and browns, perhaps textured glazes)  There can be reasons to stray from that color palette so consider all of your options by reading and looking at the four links and exploring beyond.

Students can choose to focus on 
1) Goddesses/Gods/Shamans with coils/handles integrated into the design
2) Musical instruments integrating elements of animal anatomy and coils/handles

Please read the following and outline a plan and comment on how you want to proceed with your three individual pieces (you will turn in the single piece that you feel is strongest):

Your response only needs to be a paragraph and will be done by commenting on this entry after signing in.  

Thursday, November 7, 2019

Middle School- Symbolic watercolor self portrait

We are creating a self portrait but not a traditional one.  a symbolic self portrait allows your to use imagination and show other aspects of who you are other than your likeness. 

Your first step is to have someone take a picture of your face/shoulders.  It can be a side view, front view or even an unusual angle as long as your face is recognizable.
Send it to your school email so that you can access it on your chrome book.

Think about images you could incorporate into your face/head/shoulders that can give the viewer an idea about your interests/ambitions etc...
Create at least two different thubnail sketches that we can look at and figure out which one works best.
Some examples:

When you are developing with your design you need the following:
At least two different photo references of elements you will include that will be included with your head/shoulders.
Clearly demonstrate all four painting techniques that we have practiced and identify where they are used in writing on the back of your work.

As always, begin your finished drawing with a light pencil drawing focusing on structure with basic shapes, center line, construction lines.

Tuesday, November 5, 2019

Pop Art- Pop Artist trading cards

We will be creating 2 trading cards each after choosing an artist from the Pop Art movment.
2.5" x 3.5" trading cards #1 will consist of:

A portrait of the artist on the front
On the back will be the following information in 8-12 point type:
2 interesting facts about the artist as it relates to their work or why they work in the way they do.
What are they best known for in the art world and why?

Trading card #2 will consist of:
A reproduction of their best known piece or a significant portion of that artwork.
On the back will be the following information in 8-12 point type:
Name of the artwork
Medium that was used 
Why is it significant in their career and/or in the art world?

Look at examples of trading cards that are presented to you.  You can use whatever program you are most comfortable with to generate type on the back of the card.  Focus on using appropriate colors, black and white will not be acceptable.  You can print them at home or email the finished file to Mr. Purcell to be printed.

Our objectives are :
Create accurate information that is presented clearly and delivered in a visually appealing manner that resembles examples discussed in class.  (use a minimum of 3 colors)

Create an accurate likeness of your artist and representation of their work.


Middle School Exploratory- Watercolor

Please watch this video carefully with either 1) headphones or 2) no volume and captions.

Monday, November 4, 2019

Sketchbooks due on November 8th

Expectations for all sketchbook assignments are to spend a focused, undistracted hour drawing the assignment.(an unfinished drawing is acceptable as long as the time is spent.)  Assignment is given on Monday and due by Friday.  Begin with basic shapes and "sculpt" the details to bring it to completion. 
Make sure to write the date you turned it in on the back along with a word or two about what the assignment was.
If for some reason you misplace your sketchbook, do the assignment on white paper and turn it in.  We can put it in your sketchbook at a later date.

Late work is accepted but drops a letter grade every school day that it is late.  Do your best work and have fun!

Foundations- Draw the interior of a room in 2 point perspective.  Focus on rhe structure of the space before concern with any details.  Consider putting your vanishing points off of the page which will make it easier to draw.  All elements like windows, posters, frames should be in persepctive.

Pop Art- Draw a portrait of a public figure who is currently in the news and print out/attach a news article related to that individual.

Middle School Exploratory- Choose any item to draw from observation.  The item must have no text of any kind on it and needs to have at least one dark value on it and one light value.  A chess board with chess pieces would be a great example.

Monday, October 28, 2019


Hand in a one hour observation drawing of any subject to replace a missing grade or a low grade by Friday 11/1.  (That is THIS Friday) No photo reference or imagination.  Same expectations as always in terms of time spent and process, otherwise it will not be accepted.
No late pieces accepted.

Sketchbook assignments due by 11/1

Expectations for all sketchbook assignments are to spend a focused, undistracted hour drawing the assignment.(an unfinished drawing is acceptable as long as the time is spent.)  Assignment is given on Monday and due by Friday.  Begin with basic shapes and "sculpt" the details to bring it to completion. 
Make sure to write the date you turned it in on the back along with a word or two about what the assignment was.
If for some reason you misplace your sketchbook, do the assignment on white paper and turn it in.  We can put it in your sketchbook at a later date.

Late work is accepted but drops a letter grade every school day that it is late.  Do your best work and have fun!

Foundations- Draw any buildings in one point perspective.  Make sure you choose a building that you can include enough detail to work for a full hour.  Do not draw a cube from imagination, base your subject on a photo refernce.

Pop Art- Practice drawing an element from your yearbook cover design that you can work from a photo reference with.

Middle School Exploratory- Find a leaf and draw it from observation.  Use our usual method of drawing beginning with basic shapes.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Foundations- Perspective

Please carefully watch these videos on one point and two point perspective. 
We will be working towards the goal of creating drawings of objects both above and below the horizon line in both one and two point perspective as well as a series of evenly spaced objects receding back into space.

Keep in mind these instructors have many years of experience so be patient with yourself and always use a straight edge/ruler.

Once all three activities are complete on the page we will create a single light source.

Foundations 2- 3 point perspective
These are two different approaches.  We will be using rulers to craft our pieces in class.  You will all need a high resolution photo reference on your chrome books featuring at least 3 skyscrapers next to each other.  Consider your perspective from either a worm's eye or bird's eye perspective.

Perspective- Creating the illusion of depth and foreshortening in space

Monday, October 21, 2019

Sketchbook assignments- Due Friday Oct 25

Expectations for all sketchbook assignments are to spend a focused, undistracted hour drawing the assignment.(an unfinished drawing is acceptable as long as the time is spent.)  Assignment is given on Monday and due by Friday.  Begin with basic shapes and "sculpt" the details to bring it to completion. 
Make sure to write the date you turned it in on the back along with a word or two about what the assignment was.
If for some reason you misplace your sketchbook, do the assignment on white paper and turn it in.  We can put it in your sketchbook at a later date.

Late work is accepted but drops a letter grade every school day that it is late.  Do your best work and have fun!

Foundations- Draw any architectural structure from a photo reference.  This should be as finished/refined as possible so once you get the structure drawn take the drawing as far as you can and include values.

Foundations 2- Draw any architectural structure using photo reference and draw this structure using one point perspective.

Drawing and Paitning- Draw a leg/limb of your animal in as much depth as you can  in an hour.  Look carefully at several photo references if necessary.  This should be a finished, refined drawing.

Thursday, October 17, 2019

Drawing and Painting -Underpainting

Please read this article today (Thursday 10/17) -more information next week!

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Ceramics- Slabs

Following the demonstration, please look at examples on the table by the sinks.
Create 3 different pieces using slabs as the primary building technique.
Photo reference is required for all pieces and needs to be available at all times throughout the entire process of creating. no drawings, paintings or other cermaics projects done by another artist)

There is no single theme but you must have one of each in your three finished pieces:
1 architectural structure
1 everyday object
1 object of your choice (if you make an object that is abstract or a container make sure you use a photo reference for a design element on it.  For example, you could have a lizard crawling on your piece that you use a photo to refer to while creating.)

ALL objects must be 6" x 6" minimum and be free standing pieces, not flat.

Friday, October 11, 2019

Ceramics 2- Jomon

Students will draw on past experience with coils and use that construction technique as a basis for building three different Jomon (meaning cord pattern) pieces of pottery. This work primarily occurred between 10,000-1000 BC and perhaps even earlier as seen in the links.

 After gathering references and sketching, students will throw three pots on the wheel with white clay and create adornments with coils to represent the stylistic trademarks from this era.

Answer the following in your comment to this entry:

What were characteristics of the Japanese culture during this period?
What were characteristics of the ceramic work during this period?


Copy and paste the following link and after reading, answer the three questions above and define the two terms by commenting on this entry.

Monday, October 7, 2019

Drawing and Painting- Creating contrast and color mixing with Acrylics

As we prepare for beginning murals we are going to cover color mixing and contrast.  We will begin by searching for a full color photo reference of an animal. 
The animal's entire body must be in the image and include:
A full range of values from dark to light

A background that is simple and does not blend in with your subject

Once you choose the animal we will begin drawing it on a 9 x 12 canvas board.  
Begin the same way as always; basic shapes, center line, construction lines and the sculpting the shapes into a finished drawing.  NO outline drawings.

Begin by creating an underpainting.

Have your photo reference available at ALL times during the drawing and painting process.  The goal is to match the colors and values as closely as possible.

We will discuss color mixing, the color wheel and blending your colors on the palette deliberately before any colors are applied to the surface of your finish.

Do your best and have fun!

Foundations- Foreground Middleground Background

We will continue building our pen and ink skills by beginning with a demonstration on stippling.  You will have the option to use any of the tools that we have utilized so far  as you choose with this piece as long as you use the micron pens, crow quill and brush in some way even if it is just for a small portion.  
Begin by finding three photo references of any three different objects you choose. ( no text on them)

Create a thumbnail sketch to organize your thoughts about how you are going to arrange your three elements on the page to make an interesting composition.  

We will move on to our finishing page where you will begin with basic shapes, center line, construction lines as always and create a finished pencil drawing before adding ink.

Composition- The arrangement of elements on the page

Thumbnail sketch- A miniature version of what your finished work will look like that allows you to figure out how you will arrange your elements on the page.

Stippling- Using small marks to create values

Sketchbook assignments due by 10/11

Expectations for all sketchbook assignments are to spend a focused, undistracted hour drawing the assignment.(an unfinished drawing is acceptable as long as the time is spent.)  Assignment is given on Monday and due by Friday.  Begin with basic shapes and "sculpt" the details to bring it to completion. 
Make sure to write the date you turned it in on the back along with a word or two about what the assignment was.
If for some reason you misplace your sketchbook, do the assignment on white paper and turn it in.  We can put it in your sketchbook at a later date.

Late work is accepted but drops a letter grade every school day that it is late.  Do your best work and have fun!

Foundations- Draw any two objects (with no text on them) one behind another overlapping.  Create a direct lightsource by using a lamp, flashlight or window so that you can focus on shadows and light/dark contrast.

Drawing and Paitning- Draw any metallic object nexx to or on a non-metallic object. (neither object should have text on it)

Thursday, October 3, 2019

Foundations- INK!

Please take a few minutes and copy and paste each of these into the address bar and look for the many different ways that these two artists create values

bernie wrightson frankenstein art

art adams ink guardians of the galaxy

value- the degree of lightness and darkness

Wednesday, October 2, 2019

Middle School- Fall theme

Our next piece will take what we have been learning and develop those skills.  Before we begin the assignment you will need to gather three different photo refernces.  (again, not drawings or paintings of any kind)  The three items should be associated with the season, fall.  Make sure none of the items have text on them.  They could be associated with events that happen in the fall like Halloween or leaves that are changing color, bare trees etc...
Make sure you save these three references on your chrome books so you do not lose them.  You can email yourself links, or save them in a document, whatever works best for you.

Once you have your three photo refernces we are going to create at least three different thumbnail sketches that include all three items you found reference of.
The goal is to create the illusion of depth by creating three planes of depth:
Foreground- the element closest to the viewer and so close it should not be entirely visible.
Middleground- an element that should be  entirely visible but approximately 10 yardsfrom the viewer as an example.
Background- An element that is a great distance from the viewer.  Most likely you will not be able to distinguish details.
It is helpful to have one element overlap another so that it makes the relationship of the elements clear to the viewer.
Try to find a way to make the most interesting composition possible when working on your thumbnail sketches.

When you are done with sketches, look at them w Mr. Purcell do decide on which one to draw as your finished piece.
Draw the same composition on your 9 x 12 paper.  Start w basic shapes as always and then develop into a finished drawing.  Do not smudge or fill in dark areas.
 When the drawing is complete we will finish it in pen and ink with micron pens after watching a demonstration.

Thumbnail sketches- preliminary sketch that is small but proportionate to the size of the finished piece.
Composition- The arrangement of elements in an image.

READ THE BLOG below for the sketchbook assignment which is as always, due by Friday and has been on the blog since Monday morning.  If you need clarification, see me during the day on Thursday anytime.

Foundations- Ink exploration

To prepare for the next piece we will practice techniques with a variety of tools.  Measure four quadrants on an 11 x 17 sheet of bristol board.  You will have a one inch border on both the long end and the short end of the page.  Divide the 17" length in two 8" sections and the 11" width of the page into two 5" sections.  

Remember to try to focus on where your line begins and where you want it to end.  If it is helpful, try taking a breath and holding it while you pull or push a line.  Keep in mind it helps to rotate the page so you can draw the line in the direction you are most comfortable.  It takes practive to figure that out.

Chosse one of the four sections and practive with your crow quill pen.
Fill the section with both thin to thick and thick to thin lines.  Explore as many variations as you can.  As part of this exploration create a series of at leasr 25 parallel lines to create a value.

Fill the next section with thin to thick and thick to thin lines using your brush.  Explore as many variations as possible.  As part of this exploration, create a series of at least 25 parallel lines to create a value

Fill the third section with at least 25 lines that go from thick to thin to thick in a single stroke with your brush.  Then do the same with the crow quill pen.  You will have a total of 50 lines or more.   Do your best without worrying too much about results.  This takes practice.

FIll the fourth section with a combination of as many deliberate and refined lines as you can.  They can be a combination of long and short lines.  

Monday, September 30, 2019

Sketchbooks due by 10/4

Expectations for all sketchbook assignments are to spend a focused, undistracted hour drawing the assignment.(an unfinished drawing is acceptable as long as the time is spent.)  Assignment is given on Monday and due by Friday.  Begin with basic shapes and "sculpt" the details to bring it to completion. 
Make sure to write the date you turned it in on the back along with a word or two about what the assignment was.
If for some reason you misplace your sketchbook, do the assignment on white paper and turn it in.  We can put it in your sketchbook at a later date.

Late work is accepted but drops a letter grade every school day that it is late.  Do your best work and have fun!

Foundations- Choose any 3 objects from either photo reference or observation.  Draw them so that they partially overlap each other and appear to be 10 yards apart from each other.  Demonstration will happen on Tuesday.

Pop Art- Find a leaf and draw it for one hour.  Use the same process we always do, beginning with basic shapes and take the drawing as far as you to completion.

Middle School Exploratory- Draw any two objects (that have no text on them) from photo reference.  As always, same process beginning with basic shapes, centerline and construction lines.

Monday, September 23, 2019

Pop Art- Yearbook cover contest

We will be creating entries for the 2020-2021 Yearbook Cover Contest.  There is no specific theme for the image except that it needs to have a positive message and be school-appropriate.  We will incorporate minimal text which can be FRS or Frontier Regional School as well as 2020-2021. I recommend you consider embracing the circumstances we are in right now with the pandemic and the fact that this school year will be different than any other.  Is there a clever way to address this in your design? 

The full color finish will be 11 x 17 and will be dessigned as a wraparound image, meaning that a single image will be used for the back and front cover.  Think of it like the right half of the page will be the front cover and the left half, the back cover.

We will begin by creating a minimum of three different thumbnail sketches and utilizing photo references for all elements.  We will be using watercolor as the medium for this full color finished piece.  If you have other media at home that you would like to incorporate, we can discuss that as well.

Finished work is due on TBA and will be voted on by seniors only.  The winner will have their work on the cover of the yearbook and will receive a complimentary copy

Sketchbook assignments Due Sept 27th

Expectations for all sketchbook assignments are to spend a focused, undistracted hour drawing the assignment.(an unfinished drawing is acceptable as long as the time is spent.)  Assignment is given on Monday and due by Friday.  Begin with basic shapes and "sculpt" the details to bring it to completion. 
Make sure to write the date you turned it in on the back along with a word or two about what the assignment was.
If for some reason you misplace your sketchbook, do the assignment on white paper and turn it in.  We can put it in your sketchbook at a later date.

Late work is accepted but drops a letter grade every school day that it is late.  Do your best work and have fun!

Foundations- Choose a simple object to draw that has both a smooth and rough texture as well as at least two values.  Begin the same way we always do and practice rendering the surfaces of the object.  Some examples of what may be strong choices would be a pair of sunglasses or even a water bottle.  Remember that even if an object appears to be black or white it is not one flat value.

Texture- degree of roughness or smoothness of an object, can be tactile or visual

Value- the degree of lightness or darkness of an object

Drawing and Painting-  Choose an object(one with no text on it) to draw from observation and demonstrate at least 6 different values.  Make this assignment easier by finding a subject that possesses a wide variety of values.  Something as simple as a brick wall could work well if you look carefully.