To prepare for the next piece we will practice techniques with a variety of tools. Measure four quadrants on an 11 x 17 sheet of bristol board. You will have a one inch border on both the long end and the short end of the page. Divide the 17" length in two 8" sections and the 11" width of the page into two 5" sections.
Remember to try to focus on where your line begins and where you want it to end. If it is helpful, try taking a breath and holding it while you pull or push a line. Keep in mind it helps to rotate the page so you can draw the line in the direction you are most comfortable. It takes practive to figure that out.
Chosse one of the four sections and practive with your crow quill pen.
Fill the section with both thin to thick and thick to thin lines. Explore as many variations as you can. As part of this exploration create a series of at leasr 25 parallel lines to create a value.
Fill the next section with thin to thick and thick to thin lines using your brush. Explore as many variations as possible. As part of this exploration, create a series of at least 25 parallel lines to create a value
Fill the third section with at least 25 lines that go from thick to thin to thick in a single stroke with your brush. Then do the same with the crow quill pen. You will have a total of 50 lines or more. Do your best without worrying too much about results. This takes practice.
FIll the fourth section with a combination of as many deliberate and refined lines as you can. They can be a combination of long and short lines.
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