Monday, December 9, 2019

Sketchbooks due by Dec 13

Expectations for all sketchbook assignments are to spend a focused, undistracted hour drawing the assignment.(an unfinished drawing is acceptable as long as the time is spent.)  Assignment is (most often) given on Monday and due by Friday.  Begin with basic shapes and "sculpt" the details to bring it to completion. 
Make sure to write the date you turned it in on the back along with a word or two about what the assignment was.
If for some reason you misplace your sketchbook, do the assignment on white paper and turn it in.  We can put it in your sketchbook at a later date.

Late work is accepted but drops a letter grade every school day that it is late.  Do your best work and have fun!

Foundations- Draw an item of clothing from observation using the same drawing methods we always do.  This should be as finished as possible.

Foundations 2- Same as above but draw two items of clothing overlapping one another.

Drawing and Painting- Draw an element from your mural using photo reference and  our usual drawing methods.  The item does not have to be the exact same one in your mural.  For example, if you are drawing a lighthouse, you could find a reference of a different one than what appears in the mural.

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