Tuesday, December 4, 2018


After completing our color mixing exercise we will begin a 9 x 12 painting.  Begin by choosing two photo references, one for a subject and another for a background.  The goal is to take references from two different sources to create your own piece of work.  The photo references do not have to be duplicated, the are to be available at all times on your chrome book to refer to. 
Next, create at least 4 DIFFERENT thumbnail sketches on a single sheet of copy paper.  The goal of a thumbnail sketch is to organize your work and figure out an interesting composition that considers and activates all the space in your image.  These should not be detailed drawings but accurate basic shape representations of what your finished work will look like.
Begin your finish once Mr. Purcell approves a sketch with you by starting with basic shapes drawn lightly and then develop the drawing until it is finished.  Once that happens and you get a thumbs up from Mr. P you can move on to the final stage which is painting.
When you are painting, mix all colors on your plaette, do NOT just use colors that are already pre-mixed.  Have fun with your piece and go PLEASE go
back and re-read directions if you need a reminder.

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