Friday, January 31, 2020

MS3D Building a brand for shoes

Our goal with this project will be to create a life sized shoe with your own unique brand.  The shoe can be any kind you choose and will be constructed with recycled materials, cardboard and paper mache ,NO tape.

We will begin in small groups and brainstorm to come up with as many brands as you can.  What makes each one unique and what qualities do you associate with those brands.

Begin sketching on either sketchup, pixlr or on paper.  Design a logo that expresses what your brand is about.  Consider limiting yourself to three colors unless you have a good reason for more than that.  Incorporate some kind of visual element into your logo.  Example: If your brand is called Sunny you could create a design with warm colors and sunglasses working with your text.

Monday, January 27, 2020

Ceramics- Pinch Pots

The first of the three basic techniques we will explore is pinch pots.  A demonstration will be done in class. Begin by sketching your concept using photo reference and then wedging the clay before building.  WHen construction is complete, draw what your finished work looks like on your project description sheet and then leave your piece in the drying rack to be fired.

 Photo reference is required for each and must be utilized and available on your chrome book at all times.  

We will build 3 different pinch pots and you can choose the best one to be graded on. 

Follow the same process in creating your work and reference the board for reminders if you need them.
Work hard and have fun!

Sketchbook assignments due 1/31

Expectations for all sketchbook assignments are to spend a focused, undistracted hour drawing the assignment.(an unfinished drawing is acceptable as long as the time is spent.)  Assignment is (most often) given on Monday and due by Friday.  Begin with basic shapes and "sculpt" the details to bring it to completion. 
Make sure to write the date you turned it in on the back along with a word or two about what the assignment was.
If for some reason you misplace your sketchbook, do the assignment on white paper and turn it in.  We can put it in your sketchbook at a later date.

Late work is accepted but drops a letter grade every school day that it is late.  Do your best work and have fun!

Middle School Exploratory- Choose any object that does not have any text on it to draw from observation.

Design and Advanced Art- Choose an element that is a part of your Doodle4Google contest entry and draw it from a photo reference.

Wednesday, January 22, 2020

Ceramics 2- Paleolithic Age

The era of 35,000- 7,000 BC was known for it’s variety of man’s attempts to embody abstract and intangible concepts. The first project will focus students of the concept of Goddess. These are commonly referred to as Venus and often are constructed with exaggerated shapes. Please follow blog entires like this one and  begin researching this era and the various incarnations that exist. Once you find at least three strong examples from the Paleolithic Age please move on to begin sketching concepts which you will ultimately build and glaze. This first project reiterates basic drawing techniques which will be used in every project throughout this class. Students will be asked to follow the same process of documentation for each project as they did in Ceramics I. Students will create three different Goddesses and begin each piece by creating a sketch of their initial concept beginning with basic shapes and “sculpting” the details from that foundation.   Find photo references of some items that these figures may have worn when sketching.  Keep images bookmarked or saved so that you can refer to them. When this drawing is complete, begin the construction of the work with white clay.

Begin your research here:

Monday, January 20, 2020

Elements and Principles Of Art

Value- the degree of lightness or darkness of an object

Line- the path of a moving point through space

Shape- 2d area that is either organic or geometric.  Has height and width but no depth
Form- objects that have three dimensions

Color- derived from reflected light.  Has three properties:  Hue- names of the colors, Value- lightness or darkness  Intensity- purity of the hue or chrome

Texture- degree of roughness or smoothness of an object, can be tactile or visual

Space- referring to the emptiness or area between, around or within objects

Principles Of Art

Balance- the concern of equalizing or balancing visual forces or elements in a work of art

Movement- to create the look and feeling of action and guide the viewer’s eye through the work of art

Rhythm- Indicating movement by repetition of elements or objects

Pattern- two dimensional decorative visual repetition, pattern has no movement

Emphasis- making one part of a work dominant over the other parts

Contrast- Referring to the placement of opposites near one another.  This creates visual interest, drama and/or excitement

Unity- sense of wholeness in a work of art achieved through effective use of elements and principles of art.  Unity utilizes proximity, repetition and simplicity

Attention all parents and guardians

Welcome! All Parents/Guardians and students please read and email me with any questions.

Welcome to Mr. Purcell’s art classes 2019-2020!  I am looking forward to everyone 
learning and having fun in my 20th year of teaching!  I want to make sure both students and parents/guardians are well informed of the expectations for the year.

To stay informed of both classwork and sketchbook assignments it is crucial that you are regularly checking the classroom blog at Please do not wait until the last week of the semester to deal with missing grades etc… as it is often too late to resolve issues at that point.  I am most easily reached via email at  Please email anytime and I do my best to respond within two hours. 

My art classes are the same as most any other class in terms of success; do your best work, both classwork and homework and turn it in on time.  There will be a written final in all high school classes and most likely a few vocab quizzes. The assignments are specific and will focus on developing various skills (not talent) that will build on one another as we move through the class.  My goal is to advance each students’ skill level wherever that may be.  

Unlike some other classes I encourage students to be willing to fail in order to succeed.  It is crucial for students to step outside of their comfort zone and challenge themselves in order to grow.  I am more concerned with process over product in learning which can be a challenge for some students who are focused strictly on outcome.  If you demonstrated an assigned technique or solved a problem but the finished product is not museum-worthy, that’s great because we aren’t showing in museums at this point.

Ultimately the goal in my classroom is to become more skillful through practice and following directions.  Just like you do not necessarily take math classes to become a mathematician, you do not need to be a professional artist to excel in the arts.  Art classes teach students problem solving, resiliency and creativity which are among the most marketable skills in the 21st century workplace. You can know every fact there is about science but your knowledge is useless in the workplace unless you have the creativity and innovative thinking to be competitive with the many other brilliant minds in the world.  I cater to all learning styles and do demonstrations, with verbal directions as well as written ones that can be referred to anytime online. The LMC always has computers available if you do not have a library nearby or internet at home.

Phones/devices will not be allowed in class for any reason and should be off and away at all times.  Please refer to the student handbook for consequences for failing to meet this requirement. Music will be allowed through the chrome books with student’s headphones at times where instruction is not being given.  Charged chromebooks are required in class everyday so please make sure that is taken care of ahead of time and not in class. Students can text during lunch or if there is a true emergency (not lunch orders, forgotten sports equipment that can be dealt with outside of class)  I am always understanding and students can connect with me one-on-one to work that out.

Students will need a 9 x 12 (or larger) sketchbook of plain white paper for all art classes, middle school and high school with the exception of Ceramics and Ceramics 2. Sketchbook assignments will be given on Mondays every week the class meets on M/W/F and due by Friday. These assignments are to be done as homework with the expectation of a full, undistracted hour's worth of work for each assignment. Homework counts as 20% of the final grade so it is essential that it is turned in on time to keep up grades. Late work is accepted but drops a letter grade every school day until the following Thursday. One make up assignment per quarter is allowed to replace a zero or low grade.

Let's work hard and have a fun semester!

Tuesday, January 14, 2020

Final Presentation Rubric

EXEMPLARY                 10PROFICIENT     9-8
Paper adheres to all criteria for length, structure and includes full color imagePaper adheres to most criteria for length, structure and includes full color imagePaper adheres to some criteria for length, structure and includes full color imagePaper adheres to little criteria for length, structure and includes full color imagePaper adheres to little to none of criteria for length, structure and includes no image
Student is ontime to presention and prepared to presentStudent is not ontime and lost presentation slot
Student pronounces artst's name correctly and has all factual informationStudent pronounces artst's name correctly and has mostly factual informationStudent pronounces artst's name correctly and has some factual informationStudent pronounces artst's name correctly and has little factual informationStudent pronounces artst's name correctly and has mostly little-no factual information
Student explains how this artist contributed to the art world in a significant wayStudent partially explains how this artist contributed to the art world in a significant wayStudent somewhat explains how this artist contributed to the art world in a significant wayStudent marginally explains how this artist contributed to the art world in a significant wayStudent does not explain how this artist contributed to the art world in a significant way
Student discusses artwork, influences & training in a clear and accurate mannerStudent discusses artwork, influences & training in a mostly clear and accurate mannerStudent discusses artwork, influences & training in a somewhat clear and accurate mannerStudent discusses artwork, influences & training in a largely unclear and inaccurate mannerStudent discusses artwork, influences & training in an unclear and inaccurate manner

Friday, January 3, 2020

Ceramics 2-Auguste Preault relief

Antoine-Augustin Préault was a significant 19th century sculptor from the Romantic movement.  His subjects included figures and fabric as well as decorative borders.

Please read and view the following links and get familiar with Preault's work.  

Your assignment is to find or create refernces for each element and create a relief that is a minimum of 8" x 8" and includes the following:
-a human figure (could just be a head and shoulders if you choose not to do a full figure.)

-fabric around the figure which could be in the form of a hood or anything you chosse to base on one of his specific works. (this needs to have form so it should not be flat)

-a decorative border containing the figure.  You can base it on any of Preault's work but do not copy it exactly, be creative.  

Your relief needs to have AT LEAST 2 inches of depth so plan carefully and you may want to consider building this in several components and assembling them.

Ceramics- Portrait

For this project we will choose a public figure to create a 3D portrait of.  Begin by finding AT LEAST 2 photo references of your subject from two different points of view.  These photo references need to be available on your charged chrome book at all times.  Begin the process the same way as always by doing a sketch of your subject on blank paper.  Develop this drawing to as finished a state as possible as it will help familirize you with their features.  

When you are ready to begin building roll out a slab that is approximately a quarter inch thick and place it in the mold that will be out on the counter.  This will give you a basic base to work on and begin building and sculpting the specific features to represent your subject.

We will follow the standard documentation process while creating this piece but we will only be making one as opposed to three so focus as much effort as possible on this work and employ what you have learned to create a strong likeness.
This piece does not need to be glazed unless you have time.

Wednesday, January 1, 2020

ALL CLASSES WHO ARE GIVEN SKETCHBOOK ASSIGNMENTS- Extra Credit sketchbook assignment DUE by Friday January 10th

If you missed a sketchbook assignment or got less than an A and would like to increase your grade this assignment is due by Friday the 10th.  Draw any one hour observation using the basic shape technique we have worked with since our first day and develop it into a finished piece.  Nothing less than an hour will be accepted but if you spend a focused hour and it is not complete that is fine.  Choose any subject to draw from life and show what you have learned!

Drawing and Painting Final Presentation

Drawing and Painting Final Wed 1/15

Write a 2 page (full pages minimally with no additional images) double spaced paper, 12 point type, on an artist of your choice.  Please include an additional works cited page as well.  Your artist  must be approved by Mr. P  after you have found three different and reliable sources.  You can choose any artist living or dead as long as they have contributed to the art world in a significant way. (Please avoid writing a paper about an uncle who likes to paint etc…) 
Provide biographical information as well as their training, most significant accomplishments and what they are best known for.  Discuss the artist's significance in the art world and the process of how they developed their work.  This is not an opinion piece so please focus on facts first.

Create a full color 9 x 12 image of your artist utilizing as many elements of their "style" as possible.  Think about color pallete, composition, subject matter etc...  You can use any painting media you choose.

Presentations during the exam block will be brief but should present to the class as though no one has any prior knowledge of the artists.  You do not have to read the paper but give a well thought through synopsis along with the image. You will likely be asked some basic questions as well so make sure you know your topic. (start with being certain how to pronounce your artist’s name)   This project counts for 20% of your grade!
Have fun  and do your best work!  I strongly encourage you to choose an artist who you feel some personal connection to, not Van Gogh or Picasso because you know them already or have previously written a paper on them.  You are not limited to "fine artists" who show in galleries, visual artists who work in video games, design, graphic novels, film etc... are all equally valid.

Please be sure not to plagiarize in any way as it will result in a zero!!  Please be careful not to cut and paste or re-word from any web site or book. 

Be at your table prepared for your presentation before the bell rings. (if you are printing your paper in the LMC before the bell and you arrive after the bell, you lose your slot to present so get all work done and printed ahead of time.)   Late work or emailed papers will not be accepted. I am always available to read a first draft if you would like to email it to me. The Writing Center is also a resource to help with your paper development.

paper 50%
artwork 40%  

Pop Art Final Presentation Thursday 1/16

Pop Art Final

Choose any artist from the Pop Art movement (artist must be approved by Mr Purcell before beginning.) Write a minimum 2 full page double spaced paper with 12 point type and an additional  works cited page along with a full color printed image (book or printed from internet) that best represents the artist's work.  When choosing an artist look specifically for the Pop Art movement, not "pop art".  You will find many artists who copy the "style" of this movement but were not part of it.

 Please have your paper printed ahead of time and be in class before the bell rings ready to present.  Be ready to present when the bell rings and please do not be late or you will lose your presentation spot which count for 10% of this final grade.

 Final project counts as 20% of your final grade so please make sure you know your material (including knowing how to correctly prounce your artist's name) as you will be asked questions.  

Your presentation of the content counts for 10% of your Final Presentation grade, so have your full color art and paper printed, give a synopsis of your paper or read the paper from your seat, whichever you feel will be most effective.

I am available to read drafts of your paper before the day of presentation and the Writing Center is also a resource.  Any plagiarism will result in a zero so do not copy and paste etc...

ceiling tile art-50%
presentation 10%

No late or emailed papers will be accepted.

Foundations and Foundations 2 Final Presentations- Thurs 1/16

Foundations Final Project

Write (and type) a 2 full page (minuimum) 12 point font, double spaced paper on an artist of your choice.The artist must be approved by mr. P before you begin. (do not chose artists like Van Gogh and Picasso that you already know.  Think about the kind of work you like and choose someone you connect with.  For example, if you like video games, find an artist who works in that industry.  We can use artists who are alive and social media can be a great tool to reach out an ask the artist him/herself questions)  If you can not find three different and substantial resources about your artist please find a different one. The artist can be from any era and work with any medium as long as they have contributed to the art world in a significant way. (please avoid writing a paper about an uncle who likes to paint etc…) 
Your paper should explain the art movement(s)/period the artist was involved in, their background/history and training, and what makes their work significant in the art world. Discuss why you chose this artist and find out about their creative process; what size was their work, how did they go about creating their work, what kind of subjects did he or she work with? Additional to the two pages, please include a works cited page.

Part two of this project is to create  a 9 x 12 or bigger acrylic painting of your artist which accomplishes two objectives:
1)  an accurate likeness of your artist and 
2) a strong demonstration of what their work looks like which should include as many elements of what exemplifies their work.  You may choose to focus on brushstrokes, color pallete, composition etc...

Presentations will be brief but please present to the class as though no one has any prior knowledge of the artist. You do not have to read the paper but give a well thought through synopsis along with the image. (it will be helpful to write an outline) You will likely be asked some basic questions as well so make sure you know your topic. (including knowing how to pronounce your artist's name.)

I am available to read first drafts anytime so you can email those to me as you are developing your paper.  The Writing Center is also a resource for assistance in developing your paper.

 Do not plagiarize in any way as it will result in a zero.
Be accountable and be on time, (meaning before the bell rings, not two seconds, minutes or hours after)  Papers need to be ready to hand in at the time of presentation.  Late papers (or emailed papers) will not be accepted.

Foundations 2 is the same project except that the final painting must be 16 x 20 and first drafts are due a week before final presentations.

This project counts for 20% of your grade! 
paper 40%
artwork 50%  