Wednesday, September 18, 2019

Ceramics- Coils

The second of the three basic techniques we will explore is coils.  A demonstration will be done in class and examples will be provided. Essentially this process is to roll clay into snake-like shapes that create constructions with them.  
Begin the same way we did with pinch pots (and will with every project) by sketching your concepts, get them approved and then build.  Each of the 3 pieces need to be built primarily using the coil technique but additional sculpting can be done as well.  Each piece needs to be approximately 6" x 6" and must include an element of a theme that you choose.  For example, if you choose reptiles one piece could have a reptilian texture, the second could be a different reptile made from coils etc... Photo reference is required for each and must be utilized and available on your chrome book at all times.   Watch the following for some examples:

Follow the same process in creating your work and reference the board for reminders if you need them.
Work hard and have fun!

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