Friday, May 31, 2019

Final Presentation Rubric

EXEMPLARY                 10PROFICIENT     9-8
Paper adheres to all criteria for length, structure and includes full color imagePaper adheres to most criteria for length, structure and includes full color imagePaper adheres to some criteria for length, structure and includes full color imagePaper adheres to little criteria for length, structure and includes full color imagePaper adheres to little to none of criteria for length, structure and includes no image
Student is ontime to presention and prepared to presentStudent is not ontime and lost presentation slot
Student pronounces artst's name correctly and has all factual informationStudent pronounces artst's name correctly and has mostly factual informationStudent pronounces artst's name correctly and has some factual informationStudent pronounces artst's name correctly and has little factual informationStudent pronounces artst's name correctly and has mostly little-no factual information
Student explains how this artist contributed to the art world in a significant wayStudent partially explains how this artist contributed to the art world in a significant wayStudent somewhat explains how this artist contributed to the art world in a significant wayStudent marginally explains how this artist contributed to the art world in a significant wayStudent does not explain how this artist contributed to the art world in a significant way
Student discusses artwork, influences & training in a clear and accurate mannerStudent discusses artwork, influences & training in a mostly clear and accurate mannerStudent discusses artwork, influences & training in a somewhat clear and accurate mannerStudent discusses artwork, influences & training in a largely unclear and inaccurate mannerStudent discusses artwork, influences & training in an unclear and inaccurate manner

Student discusses artwork, influences & training in a somewhat clear and accurate mannerStudent discusses artwork, influences & training in a largely unclear and inaccurate mannerStudent discusses artwork, influences & training in an unclear and inaccurate manner

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