Students will be assigned a business by the Daily Hampshire Gazette. (they can not be changed) Each student will be assigned a format to work within, please pay attention to the instructions showing you where the top is. Please fill out the entry information on the back and DO NOT sign your name on the artwork.
Begin by finding your contact person and if there are other students in your class with the same business you can agree on one person to call them. I would recommend looking at the business website first and then calling them. Identify who you are and that you are from Frontier calling about the Create An Ad. Ask them any questions you have but I recommend this question: "Is there anything specific you want in your ad?" Some will say that you can do whatever you like and others will have something specific. For example, The Hampshire Mall will often want to focus on a specific store that may be moving in soon.
Once you have that information, begin coming up with ideas with a series of thumbnail sketches which should be small and trying to figure out ideas and where the different elements will be placed. Text, images, contact information etc... Create several different ideas. We will almost never accept the first idea, but build on it and develop it. You will need at least 3 different ideas about how you want to organize your information.
Once we agree on a sketch you will begin on your final sheet with pencil. Text CAN be traced using a light table but can not be pasted on. The finished pencils will be inked. Please look at the examples we have in class.
Try to come up with ideas that allow you to draw what you want to. If you have a bank you could come up with a pun or phrase that allows you to focus on drawing something you enjoy. Think about your favorite ads and what you like about them. Work hard and have fun!
Finished work is due by April 5th and will not be accepted late.
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