option 1
Creative self portrait. Create an image using at least one photo reference of yourself and background elements. The goal is to tell the viewer something about yourself other than what you look like. Think about your composition, color choices and the message. Consider making a list of things about yourself to help in choosing your focus. Perhaps things that you value or are passionate about, people, furure goals.
option 2
Using the grid technique to create a self portrait. You will need to print a sharp full color image of your face that takes up approximately 90% of the image. Create a grid of one inch squares on the image and a corropsponding grid on an image of your finished paper. Draw one square at a time and do it while holding your image upside down to abstract the image and focus simply on what you see one square at a time. After the drawing is complete we will paint it with acrylics. Remember to use LIGHT pencil lines when constructing the grid and the image so that they will not be a predominant part of the finished painted image.
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