Monday, November 26, 2018

Foundations- Acrylic paint

The following videos introduce you to some of the basic applications of acrylics, showing you the difference between tranparency and opacity.  After watching the following video clips please set up a one inch grid on a 
9 x 12 canvas board which we will be using for exercises.  Please measure on both sides of the board when making your lines so you are esentially connecting the dots to make parallel lines.  (watch the first 12 minutes)

Sunday, November 18, 2018

Advanced Art- Tessellations and Vocabulary

Students will be introduced to the work of M.C. Escher and will create their tessellation shape following handout instructions using bristol for the shape template and trace 2 inter-connecting rows of three across the yellow paper for their finish.  Colored pencils will be used as the medium.  Students will create a transition/gradation of color for each row..  An example would be that the first shape in row one one could be made up of blues, while the second one consist of greens and the third be yellows.

Tessellation- A drawing in the form of a mosaic pattern.  M. C. Escher discovered the tessellation 

Chromatic, chroma- Possessing the quality of color, neutrals mixed from complimentary colors as well as  lightened and darkened with black and white

Pattern- predictable and consistent design

Shape- two dimensional contour that characterizes an object or area.

Tuesday, November 13, 2018

Ceramics- untraditional tiles

This project will involve creating a single set of four tiles that work both individually and as a set.  The four pieces will fit together in some way but will not be the traditional flat square or rectangular shape.  (see examples in the classroom) 

Begin by choosing a theme and finding a minimum of one photo reference for each piece. ( as with past projects, photo references need to be available on your chrome book at all times, every class)  Use photos of objects that you are including in your work, not drawings, paintings or other people's work.  Try to be as unique as possible!   As an example, your theme could be fast food and each tile could represent a different brand perhaps each tile being in the shape of the company logo and featuring items that they serve.  

Once you have chosen a theme and have your photo references, develop sketches of your ideas and when they are complete, begin building.  Each tile needs to be a minimum of 6 x 6 inches but can be any shape and dimension as long as it exceeds this measurement.

Consider using the three main buildings techniques you have used and experiment to be as creative with how your tiles connect as possible.  Each tile must be a relief, meaning it will have several layers that create depth in the piece so it is not one flat surface.  See this link for a thorough definition and some examples:

Make sure you follow the same documentation process as always which is written on the white board and remind yourself of the objectives outlined above.  
DUE by Thursday December 20th

Wednesday, November 7, 2018

MS3D- 3D artist portrait

Our next project will involve several steps and will begin with choosing a subject for your piece.  The goal is to find an artist who interests you.  This artist could be dead or alive and could be a "fine artist" or an illustrator who works in fields of video games, graphic novels, or any other tattoos as long as you follow this criteria:
The artist has to have made a significant impact on the art world in some way.
You must find three different and reliable sources of information about their work, career and history.  (You will need biographical information)  Make sure the sources did not copy/paste the same information.  Wikipedia is NOT a reliable site.

We will be using a shoebox to create this piece and beginning with a drawing, we will be painting with acrylics.  Every student will be focusing on a different artist.

Once you have found these sources here are the objectives for this project:
Find four different interesting pieces of information about your artist as a person.  This could include where they were born, went to school, significant moments in their lives, intersting qualities or interests they may have etc...
Find strong photo referenceS of what your artist looks like so you can create an accurate likeness of them.
Learn about their work. What media do they use?  What are they best known for?  What qualities make their work stand out and appear unique?  Is there a general mood about their work?  Is there a specific color pallete they use?  Specific subject matter?

Once you have gathered this information and had it approved by Mr. Purcell you can begin by applying gesso to your shoebox so that you have a white ground to draw on.  

On each of the four sides of the outer box you will choose a different significant aspect of the artist's life as discussed above.  The top of the shoebox will be a portrait of the artist with a background, and the artist him/herself will be cut out only attaching at the base so that it can stand up.
The inside of the box should give the viewer an idea of what the artist's work looks like.  You could replicate a piece they are best known for or maybe try to represent what ideas may be in their head when they are creating their work.  

It will be crucial to your success that you are following directions and are prepared to work and use materials responsibly.  Anyone who is not meeting these expectations will be given an alternate project.  The alternate project is a 5 page paper to be written on your chrome book on the artist you chose.  Specific criteria will be given if this is necessary for any students.

Tuesday, November 6, 2018

Drawing and Painting- self portrait

option 1
Creative self portrait.  Create an image using at least one photo reference of yourself and background elements.  The goal is to tell the viewer something about yourself other than what you look like.  Think about your composition, color choices and the message.  Consider making a list of things about yourself to help in choosing your focus.  Perhaps things that you value or are passionate about, people, furure goals.

option 2
Using the grid technique to create a self portrait.  You will need to print a sharp full color image of your face that takes up approximately 90% of the image.  Create a grid of one inch squares on the image and a corropsponding grid on an image of your finished paper.  Draw one square at a time and do it while holding your image upside down to abstract the image and focus simply on what you see one square at a time.  After the drawing is complete we will paint it with acrylics.  Remember to use LIGHT pencil lines when constructing the grid and the image so that they will not be a predominant part of the finished painted image.