Monday, March 19, 2018

Advanced Art- Tessellations vocabulary and examples

Students will create their tessellation shape following handout instructions using bristol for the shape template and trace 2 inter-connecting rows of three across the yellow paper for their finish.  Colored pencils will be used as the medium.  Students will create a transition/gradation of color for each row..  An example would be that the first shape in row one one could be made up of blues, while the second one consist of greens and the third be yellows.

Tessellation- A drawing in the form of a mosaic pattern.  M. C. Escher discovered the tessellation 

Chromatic, chroma- Possessing the quality of color, neutrals mixed from complimentary colors as well as  lightened and darkened with black and white

Pattern- predictable and consistent design

Shape- two dimensional contour that characterizes an object or area.

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