Choose an artist from the Pop Art movement (aside from Andy
Warhol) and have it approved before beginning.
We will create narratives using sequential art as a vehicle. The black and white comic book page ( 10 x 15 image on an 11 x 17 piece of board or paper) will use the artist as
the narrator and will consist of at least five panels. Use what you have learned from your reading
in Will Eisner’s Comics and Sequential Art to present your information
as effectively as possible.
Once your artist has been approved, begin your research on
your artist to communicate the following:
Where and when were they born
What kind of training they had, any significant mentors
Noteworthy moment(s) in their career as an artist
What is the Pop Art movement and when did it happen?
An example of their artwork that best represents what they
are known for
What media or mediums they use in their work
A likeness of the artist (consider using this to establish
that the narrator’s voice belongs to the artist)
What were they trying to communicate in their work? Why are they seen as a significant part of
the Pop Art movement or the art world?
Demonstrate an understanding of the following elements of
sequential art:
An establishing shot
A variety of “camera angles”
Utilizing the panels to assist in the storytelling process
An impact panel that showcases the most important part of
the narrative.
Late projects will
not be accepted. Please have your
project completed and be at your table ready to present when the bell rings.
50% of your grade
will be based on the visual narrative
40% will be based
on the accuracy and richness of your written content
10% will be based
on your presentation and knowledge of the material
Have fun and take
chances with making your page as interesting as possible
Plagiarism of any kind will result in a zero