Write a 2 page double spaced paper (plus a works cite page) on an artist of your choice. Your artist must be approved by Mr. P by Friday June 5 before you begin. (one will be chosen for you otherwise) The artist must be one who created/creates self-portraits and can be from any era and work with any painting medium (pastels, oils, acrylics…) as long as they have contributed to the art world in a significant way. (Please avoid writing a paper about an uncle who likes to paint etc…)
There are many qualities you could choose to focus on such as how subject matter is presented, scale, medium, color choices/use of color, time eras, stylistic choices, meaning/intent… Analyze what the artist is trying to accomplish and how they do so. (for instance, why did Monet use the colors he did?) There are very specific reasons for this which would require research and understanding of the artists’ work.
Part two of this project is to create a full color 9 x 12 or bigger self-portrait that is both a likeness of yourself in some way and that represents the artist’s stylistic approach. Do not replicate a piece, but create your own based on the artist’s body of work. You may use acrylic or watercolor.
Presentations during the exam block will be brief but should present to the class as though no one has any prior knowledge of the artists. You do not have to read the paper but give a well thought through synopsis along with the image. You will likely be asked some basic questions as well so make sure you know your topic. This project counts for 20% of your grade!
Paper 40%
Artwork 50%
Presentation 10%
No late projects or emailed papers will be accepted so please do not wait until the last minute to print. Do not be late to class for any reason as it will result in a zero
Please be sure not to plagiarize in any way as it will result in a zero!! Please be careful not to cut and paste or re-word from any web site or book.
Please be sure not to plagiarize in any way as it will result in a zero!! Please be careful not to cut and paste or re-word from any web site or book.
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