Monday, November 25, 2019

Rob Kearney Assembly Follow-Up

Rob Kearney Assembly Follow-Up 
Monday, Nov. 25th

  1. Please complete this survey:

    1. Discussion Questions
      1. What is your overall reaction to Friday’s assembly?
      2. Rob said one of the common things he hears is, “You’re can’t be a Strong Man because you’re gay.” Why do you think people believe that? 
      3. Do you think boys at this school feel pressure to be “manly?” What does that mean? How does it impact everyone?
      4. Where’s the line between joking around and harassment? How do you know when you cross it? Is it the same for everyone? Is there anything that it’s never ok to joke about?
      5. What are the things that you like about our school? What are the things you wish were different?
      6. How would you describe our school culture? Do you think anything needs to change? Why or why not?

  1. write a response either on paper or using this form: 
    1. Students can respond to any of the discussion questions, reflect on their reactions to the class discussion, or tell us about their overall response to the assembly. 
    2. Names on these responses are optional