Wednesday, October 17, 2018

Drawing and Painting- 8 Techniques

Spattering- Using a tool like a toothbrush to flick paint in a controlled manner at the image surface.

Impasto- Building up the surface of the paint so it becomes 3-D

Drybrushing- Removing excess paint from the brush and scrubbing it against the surface to create a scumbling effect.

Knife painting- Using a pallette knife to apply paint to the surface

Rubbing/imprint- Using a three dimensional item of surface to create a texture

Mix with another element- add items like sand or sawdust to the paint which creates a textured surface.

Stencil/masking- Covering an area to keep it from being effected by a treatment on other portions of a painting.

Sgraffito- (pronounced zgra-FI-tow)  Scratching into an existing wet layer of paint with a palette knife, revealing the layer below.


  1. Gustave Courbet, Anthony Van Dyck, Salvador Dali

  2. Dali, woman?? who did the flowers and skulls???, victor brauner

  3. Gwenn Seemel, Sergio Albiac, Natasha Sazonova

  4. Marcel Mateo, Flora Borsi, Danny O'Connor

  5. John Morra, Pablo Picasso, and Egon Schiele
