Wednesday, January 30, 2019

Ceramics Vocab

Leather hard- Clay that is still dark in color, cool to the touch because some moisture still remains.  The clay pieces will support their own weight without sagging.

Bleach test- This test is used to determine a critical stage in the drying of greenware.  If a dab of water darkens the surface of the clay it may no longer be joined or repaired.

Bone dry- the completely dry state the clay must reach before bisqu (first) firing.

Bisque firing- This is the first firing.  Clay is fired at cone 05. After this firing the clay is sturdy, not workable, not recyclable and still porous.  The clay pieces must be glazed to finish their surfaces.

Glaze firing- Kiln firing in which glazes are melted to form a smooth glass-like surface.

Glazes- Glazes often appear dull and one must pay attention to the color swatches, NOT the color as it appears in it's unfired condition because as intense heat is applied in the glaze firing, the chemicals react to create each glaze's unique properties of transparency, color, texture and gloss.  Underglazes have a matte finish, overglazes have a gloss finish.

Kiln- The well insulated oven used to fire ceramics pieces.  Our kiln is electric.

Wedging-  A process where the clay is "kneaded" to remove air bubbles and to work the clay into a consistent tecture and mositure suitable for working.  This process requires patience and practice.

Slurry- Very soft clay used for joining leatherhard sections of clay together.

Scratching and slurrying- The technique of marking the clay pieces in a criss cross pattern with a pin tool to prepare them for joining with slurry.

Foot- the base of a ceramics piece

Rib- a wide flat hand held tool with a straight or curved edge.  Made of metal, wood or rubber.  It is used to smooth and shape clay surfaces.

Tuesday, January 29, 2019

MS Exploratory- Drawing with basic shapes

Monday, January 28, 2019


Thursday, January 24, 2019

Pop Art- Jim Dine

Pop Art- Jim Dine

Jim Dine was a significant artist in the Pop Art movement and created a wide variety of work using many different subjects as well as media.  
We will focus on using everyday tools as the subject and rendering with a limited palette of reds.  Your acrylic palette may consist of red, along with black, and white to tint and shade as well as green (used minimally) to desaturate.  
Begin by reading the link below as well as viewing the second link below to give you a strong sense of the breadth of his work.

"jim dine" gardening tools pop art

monochromatic- of or having one color.
of, relating to, or having tones of one color inaddition to the ground hue:
monochromatic pottery.Optics. pertaining to light of one color or toradiation of a single wavelength or narrow rangeof wavelengths.
media- (usually used with a plural verbthe means ofcommunication, as radio and television,newspapers, magazines, and the Internet, thatreach or influence people widely:

Pop Art is a style of art which explores the everyday imagery that is so much a part of contemporary consumer culture. Common sources of imagery include advertisements, consumer product packaging, celebrity photographs, and comic strips.

Design- Color Theory and Branding

Ceramics 2- Paleolithic Age

The era of 35,000- 7,000 BC was known for it’s variety of man’s attempts to embody abstract and intangible concepts. The first project will focus students of the concept of Goddess. These are commonly referred to as Venus and often are constructed with exaggerated shapes. Students will follow the Frontier Visual Art Blog and follow the links to begin researching this era and the various incarnations that exist. Once students answer questions on the blog they will move on to begin sketching concepts which they will ultimately build and glaze. This first project reiterates basic drawing techniques which will be used in every project throughout this class. Students will be asked to follow the same process of documentation for each project as they did in Ceramics I. Students will create three different Goddesses and begin each piece by creating a sketch of their initial concept beginning with basic shapes and “sculpting” the details from that foundation. When this drawing is complete, they begin the construction of their work with white clay.

Begin your research here:

Friday, January 11, 2019

Classroom expectations

CLASSROOM EXPECTATIONS MY FIRST AND MOST IMPORTANT EXPECTATION IS THAT YOU DO YOUR PERSONAL BEST.  There are no "can'ts" here.  Focus on solutions to the problems, not the problems.


RESPECT For class environment- Students are expected to arrive on time. Please be seated and ready for class to begin once the bell has rung. The three strike policy is in effect. At your third tardiness without a valid pass, detentions begin. Talking about class-appropriate topics at your own table is fine unless it is disrupting to you, others or Mr. P. 

Backpacks will all be placed in a designated area before class and will remain there until the end of class.

Music is allowed in class when dialogues are not in progress. The use of cell phones during class time is NOT allowed even if it your parents calling/texting. Phones should be off and out of sight during class. Use of cell phone in class will result in the following: 1st offense is a warning, 2nd offense results in your phone being taken for the class period, 3rd results in your phone being handed over to Mr. Dredge for you to pick up at the end of the day, and 4th offense will require your parents to see Mr. Dredge to get your phone back. CHARGED chromebooks are required every day for class and if you have headphones you can use them as long as there are no visuals of any kind which are distractions.  

For others- You are expected to extend common courtesy to others. Be helpful and pleasant. Never make fun of another student, or his/her artwork. Please make marks on your artwork only. Keep criticism constructive please. Use language responsibly please! For materials- Use materials only as directed. Do not use materials that you do not have permission from Mr. P for, some can be dangerous. Let’s not waste materials, they are expensive and often not easily replaced.

Please be attentive when the class is being addressed. One cannot effectively talk and listen simultaneously.

For time- Since we do not have a lot of time and setting up/cleaning up uses up that time, please use class time wisely. A large part of your grades are dependent on how you use your time. Never leave the room without letting Mr. P know your destination. Please remain seated until the bell rings, no lining up at the door.

SAFETY Do not throw anything Always act with regard for safety Be aware of evacuation procedures 

CLEAN-UP If you use it, put it away properly. If you spill it, wipe it up. Clean at least one quarter of the worktable each day Do not leave a single thing on the table top (including eraser shreds, which you are expected to brush into the trash, not the floor) Put your chair up at the end of class Never leave anything in the sink 

HAVE FUN The goal of all my classes is to learn new skills and grow as an individual and an artist. If the above information is adhered to, we will have fun and learn at the same time. -remember, our focus is process before product.

Monday, January 7, 2019

MS Exploratory

For you last piece look up Elements Of Art on the blog and demonstrate each of those in any way you choose.  
You will need photo references and can choose to paint with watercolor or use pixlr ir you prefer.  Begin with thumbnail sketches and organize your thoughts before beginning.
Begin the same way we always do by drawing lightly with pencil breaking down your information into basic shapes and then developing your drawing before painting.


Thursday, January 3, 2019

Drawing and Painting Final

Write a 2 page (full pages minimally with no additional images) double spaced paper, 12 point type, on an artist of your choice.  Please include an additional works cited page as well.  Your artist  must be approved by Mr. P  after you have found three different and reliable sources.  You can choose any artist living or dead as long as they have contributed to the art world in a significant way. (Please avoid writing a paper about an uncle who likes to paint etc…) 
Provide biographical information as well as their training, most significant accomplishments and what they are best known for.  Discuss the artist's significance in the art world and the process of how they developed their work.  This is not an opinion piece so please focus on facts first.

Create a full color 9 x 12 image of your artist utilizing as many elements of their "style" as possible.  Think about color pallete, composition, subject matter etc...  You can use any painting media you choose.

Presentations during the exam block will be brief but should present to the class as though no one has any prior knowledge of the artists.  You do not have to read the paper but give a well thought through synopsis along with the image. You will likely be asked some basic questions as well so make sure you know your topic. (start with being certain how to pronounce your artist’s name)   This project counts for 20% of your grade!
Have fun  and do your best work!  I strongly encourage you to choose an artist who you feel some personal connection to, not Van Gogh or Picasso because you know them already or have previously written a paper on them.  You are not limited to "fine artists" who show in galleries, visual artists who work in video games, design, graphic novels, film etc... are all equally valid.

Please be sure not to plagiarize in any way as it will result in a zero!!  Please be careful not to cut and paste or re-word from any web site or book. 
Be at your table prepared for your presentation before the bell rings. (if you are printing your paper in the LMC before the bell and you arrive after the bell, you lose your slot to present so get all work done and printed ahead of time.)   Late work or emailed papers will not be accepted. I am always available to read a first draft if you would like to email it to me.

paper 50%
artwork 40%  

Tuesday, January 1, 2019

MS3D Building a brand for shoes

Our goal with this project will be to create a life sized shoe with your own unique brand.  The shoe can be any kind you choose and will be constructed with recycled materials and paper mache ,NO tape.

We will begin in small groups and brainstorm to come up with as many brands as you can.  What makes each one unique and what qualities do you associate with those brands.

Begin sketching on either sketchup, pixlr or on paper.  Design a logo that expresses what your brand is about.