Sunday, October 28, 2018

Middle School Exploratory -Intro to Pixlr

We are going to begin experimenting with a program called Pixlr.  The first link is a video that will give you a basic introduction to some of the tools we will be using during the second half of the semester in our painting unit.  Please watch the video carefully and rewind if necessary if something does not make sense the first time.  Make sure to sign in with Google.   After you watch the video follow the four following links for some brief tutorials.  Have fun!

How to merge layers:

Friday, October 26, 2018

Foundations- Architecture watercolor

This project builds on the perpective work from our last project and will incorporate the four watercolor techniques we practiced. 
Begin by choosing an architectural structure of your choice and finding a sharp full color photo reference that shows the entire structure.  Place this building in an environment of your choice which you will also need a sharp full color photo reference for.  It could be unusual or realistic but the image must have a single light source so that it looks as if it sits believably in the environment.

As always, the expectation is that you have your charged chrome book every day and have your images saved to your google docs.

You will be drawing your image on 9 x 12 paper and when you create your horizon line you will tape copy paper to each side of your project to extend the horizon line so that the vanishing points are off the finished work.
When your pencil drawing is complete begin painting and demonstrate all four of the techniques we learned; wet on dry, wet on wet, dry on wet and dry on dry.

Tuesday, October 23, 2018

Sketchbook reminder- ALL CLASSES

When handing in sketchbooks please remmeber to write the date that it was handed in and a word or two about the assignment on the back. 

Late work is accepted but drops a letter grade every school day it is not turned in.

One make up sketch book assignment will be accepted per quarter.  One (one hour of focused work) observation drawing will be accepted before Nov 2nd to replace a low or non-existant grade for quarter 1.

Wednesday, October 17, 2018

Drawing and Painting- 8 Techniques

Spattering- Using a tool like a toothbrush to flick paint in a controlled manner at the image surface.

Impasto- Building up the surface of the paint so it becomes 3-D

Drybrushing- Removing excess paint from the brush and scrubbing it against the surface to create a scumbling effect.

Knife painting- Using a pallette knife to apply paint to the surface

Rubbing/imprint- Using a three dimensional item of surface to create a texture

Mix with another element- add items like sand or sawdust to the paint which creates a textured surface.

Stencil/masking- Covering an area to keep it from being effected by a treatment on other portions of a painting.

Sgraffito- (pronounced zgra-FI-tow)  Scratching into an existing wet layer of paint with a palette knife, revealing the layer below.

Tuesday, October 9, 2018

Advanced Art- Alphabird

After reading the last post on typefaces you will be ready to move on to the assignment.  Choose 3 different letterforms from three different fonts.  No L's, I's or O's.  Then choose 3 different birds and get photo references of each.  Begin thumbnail sketches on ways to create the letterforms you chose using the three birds.  Each of the birds should be approximately 10 inches tall and you may use any mixed media you choose.  You will need at least two so colored pencil and watercolor would be an example.
Focus on these objectives:
Beginning your drawing with basic shapes using the letterforms as a "skeleton"
Focus on texture and create at least 3 different distict textures with each of the birds.
Make sure that the letterforms are readable in the amalgam form that you create.


Wednesday, October 3, 2018

light source

Sci Fi Art Contest- Due December 1- cash prizes!

Arisia is a science fiction convention held in the Boston area and they are having an art contest.  The convention is on January 18-21 and the deadline for the artwork to be submitted is Dec 1.
Students are allowed one entry and it must be sent to:
entry form can be found at

See Mr Purcell for more details and go to

Advanced Art- hand drawn typefaces

Please copy and paste the link into your browser and read through step four which will give you some basic information to set up rendering your typefaces and fonts.  Please click on and read the link titled the A to Z Of Typography in step one of the article.  You do not need to know all of the definitions but you DO need to know the following:               All Caps, Alley(gutter), Ascender, Baseline, Descender, Kerning, Leading, Serif/Sans Serif, Weight, X-height

Tuesday, October 2, 2018

Foundations- Perspective

Please carefully watch these videos on one point and two point perspective. 
We will be working towards creating drawings of objects both above and below the horizon line in and one and two point perspective as well as a series of evenly spaced objects receding back into space.

Foundations 2- 3 point perspective
These are two different approaches.  We will be using rulers to craft our pieces in class.  You will all need a high resolution photo reference on your chrome books featuring at least 3 skyscrapers next to each other.  Consider your perspective from either a worm's eye or bird's eye perspective.

Monday, October 1, 2018

MS3D Importing objects

To import new SketchUp objects, follow the steps below:
  1. Click the 3D Warehouse button on the SketchUp tab. The 3D Warehouse dialog opens.
  2. Enter a search term, e.g. “lamp”, in the input field and hit Search. All available lamp objects appears.
  3. Select desired object by clicking it.
  4. Click the Download button and choose format. The object is downloaded and the progress is indicated in the upper right corner of the 3D Warehouse.
  5. When the download is finished, the object is displayed in the Latest model preview field on the SketchUp tab.
  6. Click the object and move the mouse pointer to the drawing area. The object is attached to the mouse pointer.
  7. Click the object in place.
  8. After placement, you can change the material by using the Material explorer dialog.