Monday, April 30, 2018

Advanced Art Final

What is art? An often difficult question to answer, especially in contemporary work. Look at the following three artists and choose two pieces of each of their work. Louise Nevelson, Bridget Riley and a third artist of your choice who must be approved by Mr. Purcell before you begin. Make a color copy of the pieces (6 total) or find a color copy in a publication and bring them for your presentation. 
Choose the element and principle that you feel is best represented by each artist in their work and describe how they have utilized them in their work. (no repeats, assign two to each artist) Do you see meaning or value in these artists' work? What is it? What do you respond to and why? Base your opinions on facts, not subjective likes and dislikes.
Your paper will be two FULL pages minimum, 12 point font, double spaced with an additional works cited page.  Be prepared to define the elements and principles you used in your own words.  
Written portion will count for 80% full color images 10% and presentation 10%.  

No late or emailed papers will be accepted.  Have your work printed ahead of time and be prepared to present when the bell rings.

Create An Ad- text

Please copy and paste the link into your browser and read through step four which will give you some basic information to set up rendering your typefaces and fonts.  Please click on and read the link titled the A to Z Of Typography in step one of the article.  You do not need to know all of the definitions but you DO need to know the following:               All Caps, Alley(gutter), Ascender, Baseline, Descender, Kerning, Leading, Serif/Sans Serif, Weight, X-height

Friday, April 27, 2018

Ceramics Final Project

2 page paper (double spaced and 12 point type with an additional works cited page) about an artist of your choice who works in any 3D medium. ( Do not serach 3D artists and choose an artist who does 2D art that looks 3D)  Artist must be approved by Mr. P before beginning. Paper is double spaced, listing all sources. Research the artist’s background and their body of work. What are they known for and why?  Explain what kind of  training they had, what medium(s) do they work in? What are their influences and why? Please bring in at least one printed full color image of their work to show the class so everyone leaves learning something about each student’s subject. No plagiarism of any kind as it will count as a zero.
Please be ready to present when the bell rings. (not two seconds, two minutes after the bell etc...)  Please do not wait until the last minute printing work out as you will surrender your spot to present and lose 10 points off your grade that you would earn for the presentation.  No emailed or late papers will be accepted.  Please get your work done ahead of time to avoid printers running out of ink, not working, dogs alleviating their hunger etc...
Final project counts as 20% of your grade so please make sure you know your material (including knowing how to correctly prounce your artist's name) as you will be asked questions.

Thursday, April 12, 2018

Ceramics 2- Mochina Culture South America

Students will discover Peruvian work in the Moche culture from 100-800 AD and the organic nature of the work which were often used as musical instruments. Students will be introduced to using molds to create a variety of handles that they will attach to their work to represent trademark aesthetic choices of this culture. White clay will be used with a monochromatic palette of reds.

Students can choose to focus on 
1) Goddesses/Gods/Shamans with coils/handles integrated into the design
2) Musical instruments integrating elements of animal anatomy and coils/handles

Please read the following and outline a plan and comment on how you want to proceed with your three individual pieces:

Your response only needs to be a paragraph and will be done by commenting on this entry after signing in.  

Monday, April 2, 2018

Monday reminder

"I have this theory that if one person can go out of their way to show compassion, then it will start a chain reaction of the same. People will never know how far a little kindness can go."
-Rachel Joy Scott  ( The first victim in the Columbine shooting in Littleton, CO )

Design-Tattoo Design


Please read the following along with the links and assignment at the bottom of page. 

 Early Jesuit settlers document widespread tattooing among the Native American Indian. Among many of the tribes unique tattoo designs were used to mark outstanding warriors and a sign of arrival to manhood.

The Ontario Iroquoians used elaborate designs to identify those very high in social status and in many North-West American Tribes the women were tattooed on their chins as a sign of marriage or commitment.

The first permanent tattoo shop was established in New York City in 1846 by Martin Hildebrandt who began his craft by traveling to both side of the civil war tattooing the names of soldiers and sailors sweethearts as it was seen as a sign of good luck. Hildebrandt spent the next 20 years training artist in his craft. The 2nd shop opened in the United States also provided probably the most significant invention on the tattoo industry.

Samuel O'Reilly was the founder of this shop and in 1891 invented the first electric tattooing machine. Prior to his invention the needles were dipped in ink and the artist would manually puncture the skin only two or three times a second. The electric machine allowed an artist to draw directly on the customer skin.

The 1900's were an emerging time for tattoos in the United States. Prior to this period it was mostly an unknown art and moved into an age where advertising became more prominent.

Today the Tattoo art form continues stronger than ever gaining more social acceptance on a broader scale. Once looked at as something reserved for criminals, low life's and biker gangs. Tattoos can been found in every economic and social scale in the United States. Prominent celebrities proudly display their artwork on network television broadcasts. Musicians from every genre can be seen boasting tattoo designs from a single small tattoo to more elaborate and extensive full body art.

 Comment by finding and including examples of tattoos/black and white illustrations and identifying:

Your assignment will be to create a tattoo design that incorporates the five different elements above as well as a variety of line weights.  You must have a minumum of three distinctive and deliberate line weights that serve the intention of the work.  Think about the illusion you are trying to create and consider light source, texture and depth.
We will begin with a pencil drawing on bristol board and use brush, crow quill and any other instruments to create your image.  Minimum size is 6 inches by 6 inches.
Color is optional.

Comments due to be posted by Friday 4/6