Wednesday, January 31, 2018

Ceramics 2 Paleolithic Age 25,000-7,000 BC

The era of 35,000- 7,000 BC was known for it’s variety of man’s attempts to embody abstract and intangible concepts. The first project will focus students of the concept of Goddess. These are commonly referred to as Venus and often are constructed with exaggerated shapes. Students will follow the Frontier Visual Art Blog and follow the links to begin researching this era and the various incarnations that exist. Once students answer questions on the blog they will move on to begin sketching concepts which they will ultimately build and glaze. This first project reiterates basic drawing techniques which will be used in every project throughout this class. Students will be asked to follow the same process of documentation for each project as they did in Ceramics I. Students will create three different Goddesses and begin each piece by creating a sketch of their initial concept beginning with basic shapes and “sculpting” the details from that foundation. When this drawing is complete, they begin the construction of their work with white clay.

Begin your research here:

Please follow this blog and make a comment that you read and viewed the material which verifies your being able to communicate directly.  Once you enter your comment it WILL NOT immediately appear and will do so once approved by Mr. Purcell so please send one time only.

Advanced Art- hand drawn typefaces

Please copy and paste the link into your browser and read through step four which will give you some basic information to set up rendering your typefaces and fonts.  Please click on and read the link titled the A to Z Of Typography in step one of the article.  You do not need to know all of the definitions but you DO need to know the following:               All Caps, Alley(gutter), Ascender, Baseline, Descender, Kerning, Leading, Serif/Sans Serif, Weight, X-height

Choose 3 different letterforms after you complete your reading and write them on a piece of blank white paper using the format you just learned.  No i's, l's or o's

Tuesday, January 30, 2018

Design- color theory and branding

semester 2 -watch this

Get THIS excited to learn

Friday, January 26, 2018

Classroom expectations

Classroom expectations



RESPECT For class environment- Students are expected to arrive on time. Please be seated and ready for class to begin once the bell has rung. The three strike policy is in effect. At your third tardiness without a valid pass, detentions begin. Talking about class-appropriate topics at your own table is fine unless it is disrupting to you, others or Mr. P. 
Fully charged chromesbooks are expected to be brought to class every day without exception unless otherwise discussed.
Music will be allowed in class when dialogues are not in progress. Feel free to bring in music that is appropriate for school. Headphones are negotiable but they are a privilege, not a right. The use of cell phones during class time is not allowed even if it your parents calling/texting. Phones should be off and out of sight during class. Texting in class will result in the following: 1st offense is a warning, 2nd offense results in your phone being taken for the class period, 3rd results in your phone being handed over to Mr. Dredge for you to pick up at the end of the day, and 4th offense will require your parents to see Mr. Dredge to get your phone back. If there are occasions that phones can be used for reference or purposes directly related to classroom activity, please ask Mr. P for permission. 

For others- You are expected to extend common courtesy to others. Be helpful and pleasant. Never make fun of another student, or his/her artwork. Please make marks on your artwork only. Keep criticism constructive please. Use language responsibly please! For materials- Use materials only as directed. Do not use materials that you do not have permission from Mr. P for, some can be dangerous. Let’s not waste materials, they are expensive and often not easily replaced. For Mr. P- Please ask before removing anything from Mr. P’s desk or cabinets etc... 

Please be attentive when the class is being addressed. One cannot effectively talk and listen simultaneously.

For time- Since we do not have a lot of time and setting up/cleaning up uses up that time, please use class time wisely. A large part of your grades are dependent on how you use your time. Never leave the room without letting Mr. P know your destination. Please remain seated until the bell rings, no lining up at the door.

SAFETY Do not throw anything Always act with regard for safety Be aware of evacuation procedures 

CLEAN-UP If you use it, put it away properly. If you spill it, wipe it up. Clean at least one quarter of the worktable each day Do not leave a single thing on the table top (including eraser shreds, which you are expected to brush into the trash, not the floor) Put your chair up at the end of class Never leave anything in the sink 

HAVE FUN The goal of all my classes is to learn new skills and grow as an individual and an artist. If the above information is adhered to, we will have fun and learn at the same time. -remember, our focus is process before product.

Thursday, January 18, 2018

Telethon t-shirt contest due Feb 16!

Tuesday, January 2, 2018

Final Presentations Rubric

EXEMPLARY                 10 PROFICIENT     9-8  PROFICIENT     7-7 INCOMPLETE         5-3 INSUFFICIENT    2-0
Paper adheres to all criteria for length, structure and includes full color image Paper adheres to most criteria for length, structure and includes full color image Paper adheres to some criteria for length, structure and includes full color image Paper adheres to little criteria for length, structure and includes full color image Paper adheres to little to none of criteria for length, structure and includes no image
Student is ontime to presention and prepared to present Student is not ontime and lost presentation slot
Student pronounces artst's name correctly and has all factual information Student pronounces artst's name correctly and has mostly factual information Student pronounces artst's name correctly and has some factual information Student pronounces artst's name correctly and has little factual information Student pronounces artst's name correctly and has mostly little-no factual information
Student explains how this artist contributed to the art world in a significant way Student partially explains how this artist contributed to the art world in a significant way Student somewhat explains how this artist contributed to the art world in a significant way Student marginally explains how this artist contributed to the art world in a significant way Student does not explain how this artist contributed to the art world in a significant way
Student discusses artwork, influences & training in a clear and accurate manner Student discusses artwork, influences & training in a mostly clear and accurate manner Student discusses artwork, influences & training in a somewhat clear and accurate manner Student discusses artwork, influences & training in a largely unclear and inaccurate manner Student discusses artwork, influences & training in an unclear and inaccurate manner

Ceramics Final

2 page paper (double spaced and 12 point type with an additional works cited page) about an artist of your choice who works in any 3D medium. ( Do not serach 3D artists and choose an artist who does 2D art that looks 3D)  Artist must be approved by Mr. P before beginning. Paper is double spaced, listing all sources. Research the artist’s background and their body of work. What are they known for and why?  Explain what kind of  training they had, what medium(s) do they work in? What are their influences and why? Please bring in at least one printed full color image of their work to show the class so everyone leaves learning something about each student’s subject. No plagiarism of any kind as it will count as a zero.
Please be ready to present when the bell rings. (not two seconds, two minutes after the bell etc...)  Please do not wait until the last minute printing work out as you will surrender your spot to present and lose 10 points off your grade that you would earn for the presentation.  No emailed or late papers will be accepted.  Please get your work done ahead of time to avoid printers running out of ink, not working, dogs alleviating their hunger etc...
Final project counts as 20% of your grade so please make sure you know your material (including knowing how to correctly prounce your artist's name) as you will be asked questions.