Tuesday, February 23, 2016

Pop Art- PSA portrait plus a secret video

Using a current event, we will choose an individual to build a public service announcement around.  You were to have brought in three articles that are current events, from these, choose one to focus on.  With the presidential election coming up there are many stories in the headlines that could be used. (Clinton and email could be a theme)
The objective is to build on our last project by continuing to explore the marriage of words and pictures by creating an image accompanied by text to clearly communicate a public service announcement.  See examples below:


Begin by sketching and writing concepts which we will critique.  Your final piece will be 11 x 17 oriented any way you choose in full color.  You can choose to work in acrylic, watercolor, gouache or any combination and include colored pencil if necessary.
Choose your font deliberately as it should enhance the image.

You will be graded on:
effective use of color (refer to color information posted on white board)
effective communication of message
craftsmanship of both image and text
effective use of class time

Have fun!

Monday, February 22, 2016

Drawing and Painting- Eight Techniques

Spattering- Using a tool like a toothbrush to flick paint in a controlled manner at the image surface.

Impasto- Building up the surface of the paint so it becomes 3-D

Drybrushing- Removing excess paint from the brush and scrubbing it against the surface to create a scumbling effect.

Knife painting- Using a pallette knife to apply paint to the surface

Rubbing/imprint- Using a three dimensional item of surface to create a texture

Mix with another element- add items like sand or sawdust to the paint which creates a textured surface.

Stencil/masking- Covering an area to keep it from being effected by a treatment on other portions of a painting.

Sgraffito- (pronounced zgra-FI-tow)  Scratching into an existing wet layer of paint with a palette knife, revealing the layer below.

Tuesday, February 2, 2016

Elements and Principles Of Art

Elements Of Art

Value- the degree of lightness or darkness of an object

Line- the path of a moving point through space

Shape- 2d area that is either organic or geometric.  Has height and width but no depth
Form- objects that have three dimensions

Color- derived from reflected light.  Has three properties:  Hue- names of the colors, Value- lightness or darkness  Intensity- purity of the hue or chrome

Texture- degree of roughness or smoothness of an object, can be tactile or visual

Space- referring to the emptiness or area between, around or within objects

Principles Of Art

Balance- the concern of equalizing or balancing visual forces or elements in a work of art

Movement- to create the look and feeling of action and guide the viewer’s eye through the work of art

Rhythm- Indicating movement by repetition of elements or objects

Pattern- two dimensional decorative visual repetition, pattern has no movement

Emphasis- making one part of a work dominant over the other parts

Contrast- Referring to the placement of opposites near one another.  This creates visual interest, drama and/or excitement

Unity- sense of wholeness in a work of art achieved through effective use of elements and principles of art.  Unity utilizes proximity, repetition and simplicity